
Brandon "Corosar"

Ask @andethir

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More Reks questions! What do you like most about him/her, dislike most about him/her, and do you think that he/she is really all that special? The world must know!

*sigh* note to self turn off anon posting of questions i really really want to know who asked this now.... however i find that she is one of the most understanding friends of mine sure she is going through depression but i understand her point of view i tend to easily look into things deeply... the thing is what i find special about reks is the fact that she listens to me when i need to have someone for me to talk to.... and because of this i feel very close to her.... i hope the thought is mutual and she also considers me a close friend

The double Reks feels really weird.

i think its fun and entertaining... and a neat character arch for someone.... this would also allow them to cross communicate to everyone i feel because they are themselves the same person with the same mind.... no matter the distance they can communicate between each other one explores the cosmos the other enjoys time with her friends

Coro and Yol, what is the best thing about each of your friends?

the best thing about each of my friends is the fact that most if not all of them will be there if i need a shoulder to lean on and if i need to talk about my issues they are very understanding of an otherkin's perspective even if its not their own which makes me so much more comfortable with them

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What will Corosar do after the dream lock is ended? More importantly, will he survive?

Corosar will continue to work and live near the hospital most likely with feather now as her partner hopefully they both survive but she also hopes something else later on that has been hinted at :3

Can i look in your pants?

*Opens her mouth as an arch of lightning rushes out zapping the strength out of you* your gonna be dinner for that remark!

if you could chnage an core part of religion, what would it be?

i would not change much in religions do to my belief that everyone has a right to belief what they want and in most cases a religion is very sacred thus should not be messed with.... however i would try and change the fact that in christian religion dragons are considered a symbol of satan.... this causes alot of issues between me and my christ based friends and family as i feel that dragons can be both evil and good.... holy in some cases and demonic in others.... because of the fact that my beliefs clash so intensely with christians and alot of my family are mormons (my brothers are converting to mormonism as i type this) i tend to fear even being open with them as i worry that i would become disowned by those i love.... i even fear my cousin that got my brothers into it.... worried that if i state what my belief is .... they will never wish to help me later in life..... its not easily believing in draconity..... but i will push forward its what my soul has decided for me.... and as such it will not ever change.... nothing in any form of valhalla heaven hell or...... hel would ever get me to forsake my beliefs

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Liked by: SCN-3_NULL

Who would eat a book for $20?

not me.... and not any of my characters.... they fear the bookworm of the family's wraith he tends.... to protect books.... and would most likely kill anyone that tried to harm one..... so yea... not gonna touch that...last person to touch his books..... was frozen solid.... and shattered against the sidewalk..... yea.....
Liked by: SCN-3_NULL

Where where you on September 11th, 2001?

at my house... during the insanity.... it happened... i feel bad for the victims.... but nothing i say can change the past.... we have to live on.... it was a disaster us here in canada did hope for the best for america but i personally.... can't say anything positive or negative about that day.... i mostly ignored it.... simply because its not my job to stop hate between nations.... only between friends...
Liked by: Omni

Who or what is the most dangerous thing you've ever had to deal with?

Rply a dragon that draws its power from the void my family is unable to stop him even though we have killed him many times he just revives himself over time his soul is completely indestructible so we are trying to find a world we can banish him to that he can no longer harm us or any innocence he is well known for his torture before killing his victims and tends to.... well hes not very fond of humans.... worst still ... he is my fathers mothers stepfather.... so we are still trying to calm the populace however since his fall from the throne the world has been a much better place
OOCly... in my past life i was killed defending my love i can still feel the claws digging deeply into my chest... its.... not a happy memory

What do your mother and father think of Vinely? (in RP, though you're welcome to answer for real life as well if you wish)

RPly with vinely my family is happy as long as i am happy its just how my family is...our young would be dragons simply because of compatibility... my family is strange
Oocly my family is extremely happy i found someone of a like mind though they don't fully understand my beliefs....they support me entirely

*suddenly a wild Reks appears! What will you do?*

1. jump startled by the wild Reks!
2a. offer a hug to her because i feel bad for what she has gone through and its how i greet people that i want to be a good friend to
2b. if she does not want a hug say hi at least!
3.enjoy company
(last two are a joke really..)
Liked by: Icebelly

What four other thread members would you most like as your team in the zombie apocalypse?

Vinely because i could not leave her behind
Marxon because he is just a blast to be with and a good friend
Ryu because of his inteligence and situational logic
and Deneb to throw infinite chinchillas at zombies.... it would distract them long enough to get everyone out of there
Liked by: Mark. A. R.

What does true friendship mean to you?

this is one of those questions that mean the absolute most to me and i may find a very hard time explaining it to anyone else because its almost a bit of a strange subject to me compared to others. Friendship is something i take very seriously seeing as I have had a hard time normally forming friendships due to a urge of mine to judge another based upon their actions and personality. I had very few friends in my life before the Avali thread though these people I cared for with the utmost compassion and sympathy wishing to do whatever i could to make them happier no matter what has happened to me or my sanity none the less. because of my outlook on life in general and friendship being so precious i consider every single one of my past friends very close to my heart and tend to take any harmful words from them as almost daggers to me typically attempting to repair the damages to said friendship.
I tend to have the ability to empathize with people rapidly and easily. I seem to have an uncanny ability to know what another is thinking. its caused my friends to be close but also has pushed alot of people back because I know they are hiding something causing my intense curiosity and compassion to attempt to pry into what they are hiding in a attempt to help them with an issue they may have. because of this i tend to form lasting friendships and grudgeful adversaries. I don't take betrayal easily and tend to become depressed and agitated when i am betrayed by a friend no matter if that friendship was formed over the internet or directly person to person.
This intense compassion and understanding has also sadly caused issues before as well as people who are not use to the amount of compassion and caring that i tend to hand out willingly and freely causes them to think i have further intentions then i actually do. it causes tense emotional situations and has caused me to lose friends because they thought i wanted more from their relationship other than friendship and wanted to push it further than it already was.i feel that the world was always filled with so much bad that people need someone there to support them through pain and emotions and actually care about what they had to say about something. I tend to be recognized as someone my family goes to when they feel the need to have support or advice on emotions. I found that if you hand out your hand to as many people as you can and show there is actual caring out there they tend to spread that caring and in turn that next person spreads it.
To me a friend should be eternal and nurtured and protected it tends to cause me intense pain that scars me because of how attached i get to my friends when they want to break that friendship because a part of my heart still is there for them and i tend to overstay my welcome with them causing even more pain to myself. in my eyes once your a friend the only way I will consider you otherwise is if you do something that causes intense pain to me or betray my trust.

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Liked by: Zeal Wyman

Out of curiosity, why the black/red/purple color pattern for your Avali?

Well the red colouration was to reflect my favorite colour which happens to be the deepest red blood can produce when freshly drawn..... i'm kinda disturbing with that but.... the purple in my mind goes well to help emphasize and make it show up a bit more. the black was just because i like the darkness and makes the other two colours even more vibrant... its the best way i can explain it.

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