
Brandon "Corosar"

Ask @andethir

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What do you think about Reks/Myifee?

Please refer to my previous answer of this question here : http://ask.fm/andethir/answer/116431617907
however a revision of this is that well:
My stance on her is that she wants to be Identified as female... and as such i have come to know her as a female.... i feel that this should be her right and not what her body says to do...
Reks has grown from being a very good friend to being one of my closest friends... i don't know how i would feel losing someone so great in my eyes... most likely would lose my mind... there is alot of passion and heart in her... when you manage to get to know her that is.
After having helped her alot i have formed this bond with her that i doubt i would be able to create easily with another person .... only person that i have a deeper bond for is my fiance... i doubt anyone would be able to match that honestly... its just how my mind works but reks is the closest to that point... and i rather not stand in the way of her relationships. so if that was what you were thinking no... the bond is not that far... we have someone we love deeply that is not each other and we plan to keep it that way... staying more very close friends instead.
Having gotten to know her alot more... i seriously feel that our personalities are extremely similar... i just feel that i would be exactly like her if i went through the same situation...again the only person i feel i can say the same for is my fiance ....
having to happily been able to be a part of her friends group has made me very much apreciate how caring she is... the turmoil that she has gone through i will not talk about here... as i much rather respect her privacy and i feel it would be very much a privacy thing... she may be very depressed but she does care... and she is a great person if others show alot of caring to her. and obviously don't try to harm her in anyway... though she is often fairly forgiving in my eyes...
other than that... i feel that my stance on her has not changed much at all... other than now that i have gotten alot closer i am much better able to read her.... but that is how i am... the closer i get... the more i take in the feelings and emotions another has...and its been quite the adventure getting to know her.... one that i would happily journey down again ^w^

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Post a picture of your wakeup face!

urrrmmm no i am very unhappy with my human body .... i rarely show it to anyone i don't trust simply because i just.... as i said its not me.... in my eyes anyway... i rather have an image of me in my old body... but we never were able to bring photos from that life.... if we had photos..... mostly drawrings.... but i suck at that.... i always have....

Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?

Werepire? *durpyface* okay seriously i would rather be a werewolf..... but only the old style werewolves.... the ones that are awesome..... and not...... twilightafied ones..... X-X
Liked by: Higuera SCN-3_NULL

Do you have skype and/or steam ?

yes i do have steam and skype my steam is on my Chucklefish profile....i am not releasing my skype however to anyone outside of very close friends though i apologize for that...

After Deneb's fuck up on the forums, I figured I'd ask everyone what they think should be done about him.

There is no need for anything to be done... this issue is long over... whoever posted this needs to go away now.... fucking petty issues like this is what makes the thread horrible... and i hope that i don't see this come up again.... got it!

What is love?

that.... has to be one of the hardest questions as its a matter of view.... but for me.... love is when you and the person you care about care so deeply for each other that they would be there for you whenever you need them...and often attempts to protect each other
Liked by: SCN-3_NULL

What hairstyle looks best on girls?

how the hell should i know..... your talking to a dragon that has no sense of what humans should make themselves look like..... i will not force a hairstyle onto another just to make them more pretteh
Liked by: SCN-3_NULL

What do you have to say to your powerless leader?

can i cuddle?...... because i like to cuddle...... *looks cutely up to reks* please..... i wanna ..... also i don't think your powerless.... your just not sure of how much influence you have.... i honestly think your an amazing person....
Liked by: SCN-3_NULL


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