
Brandon "Corosar"

Ask @andethir

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if you were a serial killer, what kind of people would you target? why? and what would be your calling card?

i would target rapists and murderers for obvious reasons... and i would leave a good pile of ash nearby with clawmarks in the walls.... it would look like a large creature got into where they lived and mutilated the place.
Liked by: Gonzo

Do you prefer Instagram or Facebook?

Niether ..... i can't stand either system in the slightest.... and i am starting to hate people forcing it upon me.... just like the PS4 trying to get me to use that crap
Liked by: SCN-3_NULL

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Why is the sky blue?

the sky is blue because of a similar reason my eyes are as well... its based on light refraction blue light just happens to refract better during the day.... its why the sky is red at dusk or dawn... there is no blue to refract.... and the red is getting trapped instead....

Which holidays do you and your family celebrate?

I am not christian... or any subclass of christian... however i did always enjoy the crap out of christmas... even though i know it didn't start with its current ideals... i do like the idea of christmas... a time where everyone is trying to be nice... does it work out..... no... but its the thought that counts
Liked by: Maiq of Elsweyr

(IC:All) *lewds your butt*

(Yol) i..... am not too against it.... honestly....
(Coro) don't touch my butt..... my avali side is meant for feather..... and my dragon side.... lets consider it non existant...... and don't think about it while i am paralyzed like this....(referring to current Thread events of being unable to move because of soul exhaustion)

If you could be immortal, would you choose to be?

only if those i cared for and loved were also immortal.... or else i would not...

(IC)What are your thoughts about most of Eluim's pack betraying him?

(Coro) I can't believe that...... whatever happened to the pack mentality....

if there was one food you had to eat for the rest of your life what would it be? (steak, icecream, curry etc) and why?

not really sure on this one..... i rather have something that can be varied and tasty... something you can make in completely different ways every time... you know what i mean?
Liked by: Gonzo

how do you think you will die?

i really don't know.... but i hope its not on the hospital bed.... well unless its of age.... but i rather die by fire.... return to what i enjoy the most....
Liked by: Gonzo

what is your guilty pleasure?

i have many guilty pleasures but the two i am willing to open up about are the fact i enjoy the crap out of power rangers..... i will admit that and often i am found listening to megadeth's cover of its theme....
the second is actually kinda embarrassing..... but i do enjoy skylanders a bit..... i am gonna receive alot of flak for it but.... i tend to enjoy it.... but only in multiplayer i can't play it single... its mostly a blast for me to enjoy with others.... its painfully easy to me.... but it passes the time.....
Liked by: Gonzo

Proceed to touch you then charge you up like charging up on a Van de Graaf generator. You are now electrically floofed.

fucking sweet i look fucking cuddly thanks alpha *waddles about with her feathers everywhere completely fine with being floofified*
Liked by: SCN-3_NULL

(IC) how do you view White?

a very gruff war veteran it gives me somewhat of a BigBoss feel actually strange as that sounds now that i got to RP with him a bit...
Liked by: SCN-3_NULL

Would you like to fluff the chinchilla?

Mark. A. R.
ACK! no mind bad mind... why would you think that .... i hope you mean the little mouse creature... and not something else if so... yea i would like to fluff the chinchilla if not.... *starts shuddering shaking his head*

what is the difference between a wyvern and a dragon? (and what about a drake? are drakes just flightless dragons/wyverns?)

the quickest answer and the one that tends to be from my past life seeing as i saw alot of them in my visions before.... not that i am gonna say that anywhere else for fear of being called insane which i am not but wyverns in my past life tended to have only two legs (the rear legs for a dragon for comparison) and their forelegs have wing membranes attaching to their torso.... allowing their flight... this makes them a four limbed creature.... dragons on the other hand do not have the wing membranes attached to their forelegs (or arms depending if they are feral or not) and instead sprout wings from their shoulder blades
the main other difference is that wyverns tends to be fiercely territorial.... nothing enters nothing leaves... anything in that area is food for a wyvern.... for a dragon however.... they tend to only protect their nest so zealously.... i should know.... (gawd damned nesting instincts) often times slowly making contact with local human civilizations in a slow but safe way.... if the humans are driving off the local food sources for example a wyvern will burn down that village and take whatever they can eat .... a dragon will often times barter for food with whatever they deem valuable....
now as for drakes... they tend to be a smaller version of the wyvern often times being near oceans and water sources as they tend to have a much longer flight time due to not fatiguing easily they can be territorial as well... but often its of a single island... and mean little threat as they avoid contact with things they now can and will hurt them

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Liked by: SCN-3_NULL

What did the last text message you sent say?

never had a cell phone.... so never sent a text.... with it anyway... but technically this is a text message... so theres your answer ^w^

how would you permanently kill off Coro? lets say you HAD to KILL him off somehow, then how would you?

i would actually have an IRL mental breakdown if i had to completely kill off coro..... however in order for him to be killed off completely is by completely distroying his soul... and his spirit .... even then his grandmother would be able to bring her back to life eventually.... but it would take centuries....its almost impossible to kill him completely anyway...but complete eradication of his soul is the only way to truly put him ten feet under

... how are we going to fit Yol on the ship... we are going to need to fill the ship with food and rations, not to speak of extra oxygen.

yol in her abyss dragon form is only 4 feet long she would be able to easily fit on the ship... as well as the fact that she no longer needs to breathe in that form.... food may be the only concern with her but then again... ships tend to have a way of supplying the needed resources for extended periods in space... if not.... its easy to find large game in the forest

How would you describe Feather? Do it as detailed as you can o3o

Feather is a very gentle and cuddly vali he seemed to have a rough past about his pack and he has a dark history however he seems to care alot about his pack and his new luv... often times he is kinda humbled by Coro because of the fact that she had saved his life on multiple occasions and even offered to revive his old packmate for him she has formed a very close bond with coro and tends to be around her often feather also tends to be quiet otherwise and because of a recent curse that was placed on him also very causious..... he will however be one of the first people to take a shot for another he cares about if he is able to. because of this he has gained a deep trust with coro only intensifying the love between coro and himself
(i apologize.... i tend to have been burnt out of deep explaination recently.... i am not good with keeping up with detail over extended periods of time. vwv )

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... would Rose be close enough?

she has always feared going with someone too young.... she felt she never wished to be labeled a pedo for example.....

Ah, I see. Speaking of Vinely how is she doing?

she is doing just fine.... she has recovered well and everything too i hope she will soon recover enough to allow me to see her physically again..... i miss coiling around her and cuddling...


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