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What happens to the "let people run their own countries and leave everyone else alone" mindset when a small country starts running out of room, and resources ? Unless you plan to go to space, or a nearby ocean what are options besides military expansion.

You politely explain to them that, no matter what their domestic problems may be, they will be expected to handle them by themselves and will not be permitted to expand beyond their own borders. If that polite explanation of the situation doesn't work, then...
Liked by: Skylark

why did God give us humans hideous 3d bodies instead of letting us experience 2d perfection? Do you think mankind became 3dpd because of original sin? Is heaven 2d?

This will all be better soon. Trump will make anime real. The fire rises, brother.
Liked by: Der Tote Kaiser

http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/963/710/6d5.jpg You know what to do.

I have little desire to destroy Islam. I also have equally little desire to import Islam into my country. "Invade the world, invite the world" is an insane, destructive, mindbogglingly stupid strategy. Let Muslims be Muslims in Muslim lands; let them run their affairs however they like. And let us run our countries as we like, including limiting immigration to people from places that have cultures compatible with our own.
As Derb has pointed out, that's what separate countries are *for*.
Liked by: Skylark

Should America have invaded Europe during WWII?

If there was one principle that lay behind American independence more than any other, it's that Europe's wars of ideology are none of our business.

I heard from the Bechtloff that you didn't like Jessica Jones. I was just curious if you could elaborate on that. Other than the whole "attractive lesbians" thing I think it's pretty good thus far (admittedly, I haven't seen the last three episodes).

You mean aside from the incessant drunkenness, the casual (and, of course, interracial) sex, the "girl who can kick all the boys' asses" signaling, the didactic "gay marriage is so normal that you shouldn't even question it anymore because it is the current year" message, the "rape culture" meme sewn all through it, the correlation of femininity to weakness and enslavement at the hands of the patriarchy, the fact that every significant villain is a straight white male while every significant good guy isn't, the sadistic torture porn scenes where the feminist hero gets revenge on a man who wronged her by illegally imprisoning and mercilessly causing him unspeakable pain, the not-so-subtle symbolism of a literal red pill turning a blond, blue-eyed white male into a into a psychotic murderer and abuser of women, the casual dismissal of Christianity, the positive portrayal of abortion, and the creepy nihilism that cast a nauseating pall over the entire series?
Other than all that stuff, it was great.

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Liked by: Skylark RightTrak

How do I break it to my parents that they are never getting 3d grandchildren?

Tell them that just as 2D waifu is superior to 3DPD, so also 2D grandchild is superior to 3D grandchild. Who, for example, could deny that Kokonoe is superior to any possible 3D offspring you could have?
Surely they'll listen to such flawless reasoning.

if we lived in a mirror universe where the only thing you could say to make people think you weren't Jewish was to say the words "I, Antidem, am Jewish" what would you say?

You know, if you want me to play a TRS drop, all you have to do is ask.

RE: Virtue, didn't people like Aristotle and the Romans come up with coherent frameworks for virtue despite not believing in the Abrahamic God? Don't the people in Game of Thrones provide a good model for how secularist virtue might work?

1) Coherent? Yes. True? No.
2) That's a TV show. It's not real life.

Do you, as a reactionary, ever feel kind of down about always losing?

To the last, I grapple with thee. From Hell's heart, I stab at thee. For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee.


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