@asbeckyis#74 🇬🇧


Ask @asbeckyis

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Would you ever work for your family’s company if you had the opportunity, or would that make you feel like a ‘nepobaby’ who only got hired because of their connections?

No I’d be happy to work in a family business haha

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Have you ever been to Georgia (the country, not the American state)

No, closest I’ve been to Georgia is Turkey

have you ever been to a party where there was no alcohol?

Yeah very probably even if there was alcohol available at the venue (like a bar or nightclub etc) there’s been parties where people don’t drink

Why do people rent phones?

Because it’s easier to pay a bit a month that £1k out in one go (or similar amount)

Do you mind your partner chatting with the opposite sex online if he knew them before you?

No he can chat to whichever friends he wants
He has a lot of female friends so it’s no bother to me
Liked by: Esssss

When you take pictures for social media, do you try to make them look as aesthetic as possible to make them Insta-worthy? perfect lighting, perfect coloring, editing, etc., or do you just not bother

I used to put so much effort into my Instagram but I’m so behind on posting I just now upload them as they are in bunches haha
Maybe one day I’ll go back to putting in the effort haha
Liked by: Esssss

How do you feel about Google employees knowing all sorts of intimate details about you?

I don’t really ever think about it if I’m being honest

Given your health, habits and outlook on life, barring accidents, how much longer do you expect to live?

Probs like 80’s or 90’s if I take my vitamins haha

Just like I know you won't actually read that information, and if on some off-chance you actually glanced down the page, it won't really register. I know Becky, I know.

Bless you

🤦‍♂️You've set yourself as an advocate for cervical cancer screening. This is good, but at minimum you should know what you're talking about which, no offence, you don't. The link is from a reliable source (US Health), not Google. I mean I'm a straight guy, I shouldn't know more about this than you.

I’m finding this humour btw

So you never bothered to research anything about cervical cancer screening before you started reciting things as facts?

I read the leaflet they sent before my first appointment whenever that was if that makes you feel better?
Plus hearing stories about the process from other women
Then when I had abnormal results I learned more about that

https://ask.fm/asbeckyis/answers/175182116467 do you have reliable evidence for all those things you said? Key word "reliable".

2 nurses (1 may be a doctor, I didn’t ask) who work for the NHS…
Also I think it’s just general knowledge how often you’re invited for your screenings on that part
I find it mildly baffling how involved you’re getting in something that doesn’t concern you though like why are you trying to argue with me about my cervix?
Key word being ‘baffling’
Liked by: la mantra mori.


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