
أحمد المغربي

Ask @azhary3500

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If you could witness any historical moment, which one would it be?

Hard question
I think I'd love to witness Einstein deriving his last equation for general relativity.

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هاتوا الحاجات هاتوا الخيار من الأوووضة
غنيتها لماما و هيا بتقولي يلا حضر شنطتك :3

Do you decide quickly or do you think a long time?

Quickly. I'm always hesitant about most decisions so just hit it!

Do you agree that nobody goes through more shit in life than a person with a good heart?

I'd agree if good heart means stupid or fool.

What would be the most useless superpower?

To calculate the value of Euler's totient function for a prime number really really fast.


Language: English