
أحمد المغربي

Ask @azhary3500

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If you could bookmark just 5 websites, which 5 you would choose?

Stack overflow
Math exchange
Code forces
MIT open course ware

Who is the funniest person you know?

هما ٣ ف نفس الدرجة
كمال الحداد ، أبو العينين ، علاء غريب
Liked by: Ahmed

Where one can find the truth?

Mathematics can be considered to be the most efficient tool to get to truth. But you can't be 100% sure of any result even 1+1 =2 is questionable!
I once heard about a famous mathematician called Godel and his in-completeness theorem which suggests that you can never get to a complete set of axioms to build mathematics on.
Poor Russel and Whitehead spent so much time trying to get to such set of axioms and thought they did in their book "Principia Mathematica" but Godel was like "I'm going to ruin this two men's whole life" xd
+5 answers Read more


في نزعة إنسانية جميلة الراجل المسؤول عن توزيع البيض في المدينة ادالي 5 بيضات بدل 2 و بص حواليه كدا و قالي سكتم بكتم و ضحك
Liked by: Mohammed osama


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