

Ask @bassnazahunter

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Apa u rasa when your gf pnya ex contact you and cakap your gf pernah send nudes kat dia, and dia cakap dia dah tengok gf u dari atas sampai bawah. -True Story.

rasa mara sedih kecewa

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Beri input anda bagaimana nak move on dari ex. Bende dah lama tapi still terasa dekat hati. acano eh ..

pray and have dgn kawan and family

Call you girlfriend baby/babygirl/honey/sweetheart. Give them a chance to call you sayang. You call them with others nicknames?

panggil dia anjing nanti dia ok ????? joke

game pass this to your list and lets see what happens!í½í±Œ1. my best answer? 2. ever stalked me? 3. first impression of this profile 4. one word to describe dp and cover

Ehhnisa’s Profile Photonëyy
apa benda niiiiiiu
Liked by: aniscabello nëyy

Dari Anas bin Malikradhiyallahu ‘anhu, Rasulullahshallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallambersabda, “Akan datang kepada manusia suatu zaman, orang yang berpegang teguh pada agamanya seperti orang yang menggenggam bara api.” (HR. Tirmidzi no. 2260. Al Hafizh Abu Thohir mengatakan bahwa hadits inihasan).


its been 5 years since i broke up with my boyfriend & i still cant move on. i keep fallin love with him eventho he’s the one who left me hanging. what should i do ?

pray sometime kena ada rasa redo mmg lama tapi mcm mana jodoh mungkin org lain so patient ok


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