
Putra Bayu Gustama

Ask @bayugustama

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What’s the most romantic thing somebody has done for you?

Not necessary a romantic thing, just say: "I Love You" with deepest heart.

What's your favorite things to do in the summer?

There's no summer, musim kemarau, biasanya gue lebih sering mandi, bisa lebih dari 3 kali sehari.

Have you ever been called to school principal’s office? If yes, for what?

Karena gua sakit, terlihat lemas dan dipanggil kepala sekolah buat pulang cepat. (waktu SMP, bapak kepseknya lagi sidak kelas kelas)

What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done?

jatoh dari lantai dua ke lantai satu, untung langsung diurut, kalo engga gua gabisa jalan selamanya.


Language: English