

Ask @beepfaggot

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no need 2 be rude.....

i am literally in the worst mood i've been in
i dont have the patience to be nice

shiiiite no need to blow up at me just wanted 2 help. no1 said u had to want to be with her or anythin. sry 4 tryin to talk 2 u.

no seriously youre basically trying to force me to be with her the way you were talking so fuck off i am not in the mood for this

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man ur stubborn u can't complain about wanting someone then when someones there push them away. obviously she sees something in u nd u saw something in her. stop worryin about what might happen nd just let things happen. nd beggars cant b choosers. js

oh my fucking god okay no
i want to be with someone IN THE SAME COUNTRY AS ME
i said all along i didn't want long distance
and if i dont want to be with someone then i wont
yes she may be perfect but i dont have to want to be with her do i
im not worried about what happens i just dont want to be with her okay
fuck sakeeeeee

that is u bein 2 hard on urself. u gatta give her a chance 2 show u how beautiful she thinks u r. wen someone else loves u it becomes easier to learn 2 love urself

Well i don't want to be with her so I wont see it okay

no u rnt its so easy to see ur flaws but ur so sweet nd funny nd lovely nd u dont give urself enough credit. if u let someone in they can show u what they see nd u can love urself as much as they love u?

its not that easy, I don't think I could believe that anyone sees anything other than what I see so yep

ur so hard on urself. ur gorgeous nd if she thinks half as highly of u as u made her seem then i think ud be just fine. srsly ur over thinkin this. give her a chance!!!!!!!!

im not hard on myself im honest

dont know til u try. not every1 is a cheater and will hurt you. esp if shes as perfect and lovely as u said. y r u so afraid of a relationship? idk u could also do open relationship but those r stupid imo

I'm a reaaaaaally jealous person so I couldn't do an open relationship haha
I'm afraid of a relationship cause I don't see how anyone could ever want to be with me haha and that's why I think it would be so easy for someone to cheat on me

yea that makes sense but u dont have to be physically with eachother to have a good relationship nd not cheat. again its all character. its easier to b with someone close by but it doesnt always make the best relationship. idk if i were u id give it a try, cant knock it til u try it lol

I know you don't physically have to like I've had opportunities to cheat whilst I was in a relationship and I didn't even though my girlfriend was over 600 miles away but I don't know I just don't think I can do it again after last time haha

but then how can u trust anyone? distance isnt the problem its the character of the person ur with

i have a problem with trusting anyone tbh haha but if theyre near live in brighton or like london where i can actually see them often then ill be more comfortable that they wont cheat because ill be there when they want me and idk sigh

ure assuming shes going to cheat on u. if shes as perfect as u say she is, she isnt going to. if u truly love someone nd ur in a ld then ur ok with the distance nd u trust the person nd no one cheats bc ur satisifed with them. and if she does cheat she doesnt deserve u nd ull find someone better

im not assuming shell cheat i just cant trust people anymore when it comes to distance haha

dont b so fast to shut someone out, long distance can b nice, esp with the right person. relationships rnt all physical n ld can b really good if u give it a chance but thats just m 2 cents

I've been in a long distance relationship before and ended up being cheated on
so I don't want one
I don't feel comfortable in one

what r u hm ing about

I just know there's nothing going to happen cause I don't particularly want anything to happen when she's so far away haha

I was rooting for you 2, sorry to hear it didnt work out. maybe you 2 can still be friends nd later on try long distance again

I don't want long distance so I'm sure it wont work out but we're friends so yeah

how do you know it would never work out? don't know til you try

cause distance and as i said before i have no interest in a long distance relationship unless its within a reasonable distance

what happened to that "lovely and perfect" girl you talked about?

did you mean to send this twice haha

what happened to that "lovely and perfect" girl you talked about?

yeah she is lovely and perfect but were better off as friends and it would have never worked out

who do you like?

i like no one
im serious
im not lying so you guys back off
i dont like anyone right now

hey you guys i'm just clearing up that me and lauren aren't together so yeah xx

its on facebook i keep getting asked hahaha but yeah me and em arent together


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