

Ask @beepfaggot

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nope, i followed you on twitter and then i saw your tweet about deactivating your accounts

what's your @? I wont post it if you dont want me to x

why did you delete them?

They're websites. I spend all my time on twitter pretending people actually care that I post tweets about random things when let's be honest no one really gives a shit and facebook is just full of judgemental pricks. Neither of which I actually have real friends on. I don't know. I just need to get them out of my life.

just letting you know how beautiful you are, you might not think so yourself but believe me you are. all i can say is don't give up yet x

please tell me who this is

your really pretty, i see you around in school alot :) gl with your exams Xx

oh my god fjdin who is this? Thank you that's so sweet aw xx

Too much blusher, no offence x

ha ha ha ha ha i dont own or wear blusher, it's my natural face i have really rosy cheeks omfg x

When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?

i have yet to look in the mirror today

Umm no but I've seen you around at school at that I thought you were really cute:) sorry if I seem creepy...

Aw no it's not creepy at all that's adorable! What year are you in?

Aw I enjoyed reading that coming out story:) you're really cute tbh

Aw, yay I'm glad you enjoyed it :) fdjhjgfg thanks omfg who are you

how did you come out?

erm well i was kinda forced to. In March in year eight I told a few of my mates I though I was bisexual and then one of them, I still don't know which one, had told people at school and I kept getting questioned about it. After a while I got sick of denying all the rumours so I literally just posted a status saying "Do you know what? I'm fucking sick of the rumours so I'm just gonna admit it so you guys can shut the fuck up. I'm bisexual. If you don't like it, screw you. I don't actually care what any of you have to think about me anyway so it doesn't matter. Now you can stop your fucking gossiping." so yeah. I only really admitted to being a full on lesbian since January but I've always known to be honest.

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