

Ask @beepfaggot

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If dogs never existed, which animal would take its place as Man's Best Friend?

Questions of the day are so shit haha

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is there chance of one if i tell u who i am x

Heres an idea, tell me who you are and we can talk about it haha x

im pretty sure it will ruin it plus i dont want to ruin it ur a great girl xxx

Please, just tell me who you are. It wont ruin anything xxx

I wish someone actually gave a shit about me when i failed last week trying to overdose count yourelf fucking lucky

I do give a shit but I need to save myself now, thats my priority right now

I reached out to you and told you that i liked you and we went on a date and i genuinely thought you were interested and then you went to hospital because you were that 'upset' and naturally I wanted to know if you were ok and blamed my fucking self.now you wont fucking talk to me

I told you not to blame yourself and I need space okay I really cant be dealing with someone suffocating me right now, im sorry

i wish u were bi :( xxx

Aw thats so cuteeee, I guess I dont really kmow if I am im just attracted to girls but im still open to the idea of being with guys if the right one came along. After all you fall for a person not their gender


Language: English