
Ciro PT

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Is it wrong to talk sexually about your ex ? My gf says it makes her feel bad but I just told her how my ex was a good shag and she needs to work on her hip movement and do what my ex did

Hahah genius talk

if your partner is toxic towards you, do u think it makes a difference after u have kids?

They will love her
That’s why I have thought to have six kids at least one would love me

How old will you be on your next 1000 years birthday?!

Stop with math questions
I have been so bad in math

Prove you’re not in love, show me your last five emoji’s?

AsH171’s Profile PhotoAyesha
Sorry I don’t have a heart
I can’t fall in love
Hope you have fun with love

If you could bring back a person from the dead who would you bring back?

I don’t like this stuff makes me sad

there is a girl i really like, and she told me she really likes me and wants to keep talking. But i was told by her friends she wants to be friends with benefits but also be intimate and basically a relationship without having labels. What do i do?

F her lol
Go go go john
Take one for the team

A lot of people on here saying italian is the most romantic language. Any idea why that would be?

Start learning it :)
It’s so easy

A lot of people on here saying italian is the most romantic language. Any idea why that would be?

E molto dolce
Yes it is


Language: English