How often do you ponder on if your living your life right?

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Not as often as I should .. who is to say if the way anyone is living is right or not? I mean, if we're not hurting others or doing wrong by them, if we're not stealing, purposely going out of our way to cause anyone or anything harm, (besides ourselves, I guess), then I think we're alright...
That being said ....
I know that I'm not currently living to my full potential.
I don't. Living my life right means I am conforming it based upon a set of values and ideas other individuals have and I've never met anyone just vastly more intelligent than me to the point where I want to conform my entire life behind their ideas. I'm not the smartest guy in the world but I don't need a group of people telling me what is and is not acceptable behavior what I can and can't do or whether people approve or don't approve of my actions I can figure a lot of that out on my own.


Language: English