
mrs indian runner

Ask @crystaljane

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haha! what if her mum told you all to leave? x

Question said, 'if I had access to her house' so she wouldn't be there and I would be aloud
Liked by: Cait

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think of a girl you hate, imagine you and your friends had access to her house for a whole day. what would you do?

Trash it, look at everything off hers, nick he valuables and ye<3

how would you discrbe your perfect boy/realtionship.

a perfect boy for me would have to be the kind caring, sensative sort. But able to have a joke, and laugh, and be thereself around me. someone i could get hyper around and they wouldnt care, just join in, someone who would, get drunk with me, and take me to partys ect when im older, and just have a great time, someone who would suprose kiss me and cuddle me, and hug me from behind. A boy who would get along with my parents and be polite ect. Someone who would take cute pictures with me and love me for who am i and what i look like, someone who would be cute to me, whenever im down or need cheering up, someone who would be a great dad/husband and i could spend the rest of my live with
Liked by: Hannah tim


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