
mrs indian runner

Ask @crystaljane

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why did you like his question about him and his girlfriend being on a break then?

Idek he said something about a new job so it was more for that reason, wish him well with that:))
Liked by: tim

Why would you tell everyone you self harm?

I kept this quiet for over a year. Do you know how hard it is to try and cover your arms and legs frm everyone? And then trying to deals with all the questions, "why you wearing a blazer" and when your sleeve goes up and people ask "whats that" and you try to lie, but it's so obvious. I got sick of all the stares and dirty looks, people had seen old scars in pe and on my legs, it was spreading round anyway. I couldn't stand it anymore. I still try to hide them, but in all honestly I have given up. And no, I'm not proud.

why do you self harm? would you recommend it, I need something to take the pain away

Personal, do not try it, ever. Please message me now.

Suck my dick, wait dick's too short of a word for my dick...

Get off my antidisestablishmentarianism

sware your music taste has changed?

this time last year I was raving to N-Dubz and Rihanna, BADMAN TING
NOW- I mainly listen to screamo/metal/rock/rap -.-

it's really annoying we both like eminem and you seem nice but im too shy to pop up

please just pop up? please please
I wont eat you...
well maybe

If you were a wicked tyrant what country would you rule?

uk obvs so then I could rule over every cunt I know

friends that you turned to and supported you when you were depressed?

Tbh i only say If they ask but Isobel Gaby hannah Louise anna Lauren mollie ? If I have missed anyone sorry


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