
mrs indian runner

Ask @crystaljane

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What is one awesome food from your country you think everyone should try?


Fave lyrics atm?

Happiness strait from the bottle, when real life is to hard to swallow.
It kills me not to know this but I've all but just forgotten
What the color of her eyes were and her scars or how she got them
If this ain't love then how do we get out?
Because I don't know
That's when she said I don't hate you boy
I just want to save you while there's still something left to save
That's when I told her I love you girl
But I'm not the answer for the questions that you still have

Oh my fucking god. for fuck sake your unbelievable, omg get a grip, welcome to the real fucking world, your not the only one with a bad life, seriously your life is better than loads of peoples... so just get on with it.. your 15:/

You don't know nothing about my life, my story, my background, or my home life, so I suggest you shut up for a start. I know, I am very grateful for fucking everything I have, I just get a little upset sometimes!? Doesn't everyone? A lot of stuff has happend to me this week, so unless you fancy coming off anon, to find out what really went on then I suggest you don't judge me, because I would like to know how you would have felt in my situation.
Liked by: Hannah Bea Neal DyLaN

idc im only sending you hate because im bored haha

have you seriosuly not got anything better to do, than make people feel like shit about themselves?
Liked by: DyLaN Hannah

also why are you telling me this over ask fm? just come and tell me, or u scared Sarcastic? really? thats funny sarcasm you got there

'u scared' was being sarcastic. hence why i put 'u' not 'you'. and you still havnt answerd my question bitch
Liked by: DyLaN

no hahahaha thats the funniest thing i have ever heard literally

1. i was being sarcastic. 2. come off anon, yopu twat

Kingsly Wellman

well yeah, hes a fucking bullieing bullshiter, they othr day him and his friends thoguh it would be cool, to come to my hosue and lasugh at me? Plus he has been out with more girls in our group than i can remember, so yh
Liked by: Hannah


Language: English