

Ask @cuddleordie

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What will it take for you to follow me? I will make you pizza with rubies on it.

follow you on twitter? i will probably follow you if i like your tweets!! a pizza with rubies sounds very scary, don't do that, save that for something else

MORE LIKE CUDDLE OR SHY wait this doesn't make sense. you're cool tho

im cuddle and shy. thanks for thinking im cool!!

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Not really a question, I love reading your tweets! You are an amazing person and I'm glad I follow you. jjt4433

thanks for thinking i do good stuff, i am honored

ya i like etid & cattes & dogges & i am well, thank you very much for asking. i smoked a bowl & am eating a late dinner after the gym, alone watching tv & texting & wearing only shorts, essentially, living the american dream

nice nice those are all good things. your night does sound like the american dream, i would genuinely really enjoy a night like that

wats ur fav clash song

tbh i don't even know the clash, that picture was taken in my friend's room, that's her poster

I know that you are sad a lot, but you make my day a bit brighter on twitter dot com. Thank you for being so open and funny and being a qt3.14. Will u be my gf in the event on thermonuclear war ps im a gurl

this is great, i am glad i can brighten your day with my misery. yes i will be your girlfriend for the thermonuclear war, can we hang out in bomb shelters

Do you have a crazy uncle? Or a crazy aunt? Or a crazy ant? Or a lazy ant? That would be fucked up lol ants are never lazy haha!

i have a lot of crazy everything. also ants are fucking cute when you look at them from enough of a distance, right
ant sex is funny

i have a crush on you ok that is all bye

why doesn't anyone irl have a crush on me
who are you this made me giggle

i think you're the cutest (just wanted you to know)

damn, that is a pretty high ranking, not sure if i deserve the #1 spot, thank you

re: last friends question: it's ok, i understand! you are a very cool human and i respect you a lot, you will be ok.

but that doesn't mean i don't wanna be friends! i probably do. i am probably just scared. thank you for thinking good things about me

i've offered to be your friend but you don't communicate with me - i'm not offended, but curious if that means you're in a better place currently or if internet friends take a lower priority, you know what i mean. not offended by your answer

if you've already offered to be my friend i am sorry for not having done anything! i get very nervous about initiating any type of interaction. i generally reply to people when they speak to me first though. i might be too much work for an internet friendship

hello, how are you? besides super rad with your old ETID shirt & large catte

lol do you like etid, i like them. also like cattes
i am doing well, i am giddy about things right now
how are you

Is the sadness you portray on Twitter just a big act or are you like that irl? The world needs to know. Oh, and 69 lulz lulz lulz

it is real, twitter helps me with my sadness a lot
but on twitter i am pretty much only sad
irl i am sad a lot but i am also a lot of other things a lot. just never seems like a good enough tweet i guess

cake or pie or do u just stare at both in panic and horror?

the things i would be most likely to do are
1) stare at both in panic and horror and reject both of them or
2) stare at both in panic and horror and eat both of them mindlessly and then begin a full-on clinical binge
i like both a lot though. i like cake better probably

Yay ill be your friend (i wrote the making you feel better one) be my friend you're cool

awesome, talk to me on twitter dot com

Mildly afraid to say that I find you v attractive lol sorry for the anonymity

do not fear me, thank you, i am honored, ~who are you though~


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