

Ask @cuddleordie

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Are you getting the required amount of cuddling you desire? I hope so because I live to read your tweets and don't want die to be an option. You are loved!!!

dude i'm hardly getting ANY cuddling, it's shitty as heck. but i appreciate this a lot, thank you

Hi, can you email me please? It'll make your like more interesting.Thanks, Andrew

this might be insulting but i don't mean it to be
i can't think of anyone i know named andrew so i don't know who to email

Hi I just thought you should know that your twitter is one of wonder and beauty and if I could hug you I would but I can't so this is my e hug to you.

wow you are fantastic, i am sending an e hug right back to you. thanks friend

You know when they say "They are watching you!"? Who are they? Also who are the they asking? Can you hear them asking? Is it just me?

before i answer this i have a question for you:
what the fuck

Want to share some popcorn?

okay but i use paper towels to wipe the grease off my fingers excessively so we are going to need a new roll of paper towels and also that might be really annoying for you

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