
Dinda Febriqa

Kuliah di sae yang dapet beasiswa atau bayar sendiri kak? Nanti bachelor degree S1 gitu kak? Kalo film production gelarnya apa kak? Hehe thanks

Aku bayar sendiri nihh aku aja tau ada beasiswa pas masuk HAHA jd kl di SAE itu hrs ambil diploma dulu 3 thn ntar mau lanjut ke degree boleh engga jg gpp, kl film production bachelor of arts sih kl gasalah hehe sama2 semoga membantu😊😊

Latest answers from Dinda Febriqa

are you anywhere close to being in love?

HAHA no. nowhere close to even liking someone for now - the thought of being in love revolts me - the last time I was in love I was hurt big time and I don't want history to repeat itself.

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