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if you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would they be?

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1. My Grandma Barbara who I never got to meet since she died when my mom was a kid, and I've always wanted to know what she was like, but people won't tell me much. I should of asked Grandpa more about her when I had a chance as he would of been the most willing to tell me about what she was like.
2. Geri, because I miss him and it would be awesome to finally meet offline.
3. Esther who is one of my biblical heroes.
4. Niall Horan, because meeting him would be amazing! =)
If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead who would they be? =)
Wouldn't have been better to feed them before they died? What good is food to a dead person? I don't think I want to see my favorite individuals in their dead bodies. I have had meals with the 4 people I value most in my life. Parent, BFF, Siblings,

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