
Elizabeth Ang

Ask @elizangg

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Wow how come outfield so long?

Exercise Centipede! If I'm not wrong haha not sure why it's so long either.

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Hi :) may I know if Jess Teo is attached?

Hi! I'm not sure but I've directed your question to him but he's currently outfield so I'll have to get back to you again when he replies :~)

Describe your clique!

This is pretty hard to answer haha it's so hard to label them with adjectives because they're all such unique individuals! but I guess if I really try, here goes - I'd like to think that simin is one of the more graceful ones in the clique and she's kinda like our "princess". not that she's spoilt or anything but she has this thing where it makes people want to protect her? Lingxuan is usually the more knowledgeable and logical one - you can always expect logical GP arguments from her hahaha and so often people don't know what they stand for while Lingxuan has such a clear idea what she stands for, I think it's pretty damn impressive. :-) Kang is one who probably gives least shit about what others' opinions hahaha and I think it's a pretty nice thing too considering how tiring it can be to really try and take in everyone's opinions when you can never please everyone? Chloe to me is kinda like the silent caretaker haha and she notices things that most people don't :-) QQ is kinda like......... my sister from another mother HAHAHA because we've known each other since forever. All that being said ^, all of em' are really unique & I don't think my description does justice to their character/personality. And ya they're friends you'd want to keep for life ?

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Liked by: Zhi Wei QIANNING

for losing weight!!

you need to understand that I was eating A LOT before so when I finally cut down on the unhealthy foods, the weight just dropped hahaha

if u could choose another name for urself, what would it be?

I think Alicia is a nice name!! so maybe Alicia hahaha

jkjk russell lui

funny HAHAHA think it was post promos then the sc5 girls were playing squash & he was there also so we conversed a little
Liked by: Kiev Lye

What's the best April Fools' Day prank you've ever witnessed?

can't rmb any particular one but this just appeared on my fb HAHA

Is your work easy? Like what do you do? Can describe?

it's manageable! I work 18 days in total. for the first few weeks I called HODs of all secondary schools in Singapore, to remind them to fill in ELL repository. After the closing of the repository, I got started on analysis of reports which is taking me roughly 10 days? so I use excel sheet quite a bit and I look at figures from 167 schools and compute them :-)

Eh that time for econs a level you came to school in a rush in a taxi actually is that your father drive you to school haha? Or is it you just took a cab to school for the exam cos kinda late?

I can't remember eh..... HAHA because both situations are extremely plausible given how I'm always late for things......

How do you think siblings can save your ass? Like in what way?

they can provide you with financial support in times of need, emotional support and really just be there for you if anything happens in your family!


Language: English