

Ask @FatenF

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What do u study for english?

I just went through some of the notes and answered a passage fl checkpoint booklet.

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u copied zain shihaby in ur knife song;) !!

HAHAHA this is so hilarious, you're acting as if she actually created the song.. It was made by Rusty Cage, not Zain Shihaby. + I did mine with an actual sharp knife, she did hers with a butter knife. & I did mine faster and she did her slower so ye.

What are you doing know?

Now* & I was eating like 2 seconds ago and I just came back upstairs, on my laptop ..

New Post! : My Hair Care Routine + Tips on Growing Your Hair! http://confidentsteps.blogspot.com/ What do think c:? have i improved?

I just read it like 10 minutes ago because I saw it on my facebook page ahahah! Yeah, you have LOTS from your first post and the good thing about your writing structure and blog is that it's fun and many young people can relate to it and find it enjoyable rather than long and professional posts. & the tips are really helpful!x
Liked by: Hanoof

ok this might seem weird, but since im anonymous, so no worries. do u, by any chance, know anything that can make my butt smaller pleeeeease. my body frame is very curvy, so that i can't change, so my butt is wide but i HOPE you know anything that can make my butt cheeks smaller ughhh :(<3

Well, it's not like I actually look into making my own but smaller but my advice is that you should embrace your body shape, I bet loads of girls would kill to have your body so you should be more confident x But I guess you could go on a no carb and no fat diet and do lots of running!

do a new post PLEASE!!:/

I'll try to do one next weekend because I have mocks wra ba3a'9 this week so I don't have time to post x Sorry but you can follow me on instagram to be updated, ask me any questions regarding beauty and even follow me on tumblr x

How much did the set cost? Are the brushes good? Sorry to bother you just looking to buy a new brush kit x

It cost 55$ dollars or so with the shipping but I bought a couple individual brushes as well. It's very inexpensive for its high quality. & yes they are, I'm so glad I got them! They're soft and don't shed at all x

workouts 3shan 3zgti itkoon na6a?

LOLLLL bs I get what you mean... Just do squats, lunges and jumping jacks. For squats, do 3 sets of 10 squats and this may seem weird but put on the highest heels you own and it'll do wonder for both your butt and your legs!x Don't force yourself to do lots of squats mra wa7da because you can seriously injure yourself. The first week, do 5-10 squats and then once you keep getting used to it, increase the amount by 5 every week. & for lunges, do about 3 sets of 10-15 and same thing with the squats. For me, jumping jacks are the easiest and I can do up to 100 at once but that's because I like to stay fit, work out regularly, play sports and eat healthy. But if you're not like me, do 2 sets of 20 and then increase with time. x

There's this guy he's been a friend of mine for a while, i fell in love with him and yesterday before we go home from school i told him that i love him, he said "ok" and he went home.. I'm embarrased now, what do you think he's thinking about me and how am i supposed to talk to him like normal again

Be straight forward. Tell him 'I never got an answer from you and if you don't like me back, I hope that we can still remain friends.' Sure, it'll be awkward for a couple of days or maybe weeks but if you keep acting normal, like how you both were like before then enshallah you'll have an even stronger friendship. Good luck x

I thought religion was supposedly teaching people not to judge others, that only God had that power... I don't understand why such religious, saint-like people would go and commit such a sin (judging others that is)

I agree..

http://lifeofthe5aleejytwins.blogspot.com/2013/03/high-school-dramatic-music-hello-my_26.html Opinion please :D?

Hahaha that was quite enjoyable to read! But I didn't like the all the stereotypes and all the judgement. You can't tell people what to do and what not to do, or simply label them with names just because they prefer to wear makeup to school or do this or that but I do like your writing structure but keep away from the negativity and nastiness if you want readers. x

How do you keep going when the worst things happen?

Positivity. Just tell yourself that it could be worse and that you have it better than many others in the world, no matter what your situation.

"!و من لا يعجبه طبعي فالجدران كثير" What does that mean?

Y3ni if you don't like my personality or the way I act, then 6g rasik/ch 3l 6oofa

faten , I'm really scared to love again,I try to avoid everyone I'm really scared of being hurt I'm lonely and depressed help?

Please msg me in privae if you need any advice regarding these type of topics x


Language: English