

Ask @FatenF

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Ahlech yadroon 3nah ?

They don't even know the amazing invention called tumblr so no? I have no reason to tell them about it, it's my personal blog and I've just recently kept up the link for it in the public so.
Liked by: F.Jɑnɑ7i. ....

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Omg choofay your tumblr 5afi rabech Allah yaster 3aliach bs

Entaw la7een emyawdeen 3la my tumblr? Tra etha mb 3ajbkom, then don't check it out.. no one's forcing you.. & yep chfta and I'm fucking in love with it cause its so perfect woo eat your heart out

Shda5al yum yetay Kanoo a9lan yum yatay 5arbty sm3t el mdrsah w kel grade 8 w 9 !

La 7beebti, ask kl ele kanaw e3arfooni before around the 3rd or 2nd month of school, I was known as that innocent girl with long hair and a good reputation bs some jealous bitches like YOU decided to ruin it for me out of envy and hatred. W shloon 5arabt sm3at g9 w ana a9ln mb fe hal grade?:| w la 7beebti, tra I'm friends weya almost all of g8 and 9 and none of them have a problem with me so fuck off please:* ma7ad 6lab rayichh

u answered a question thats says all guys suck and were horrible with exactly and u have guy friends fuck u im a guy i dont suck and im not horrible bitchh

LOL someone's butthurt.. If you really want to be called a man, then stop acting like a little bitch and stop taking things to heart. & I didn't say they were horrible, I said they sucked because I was in a bad mood. feggit lulzzzzz

What would u do to gain someones trust back plz say something I'm so confused I can't forget I miss our chats I miss I don't want anything to chamge in school I want him to still talk to me annoy me like before this holiday your my idol what should I do please should I keep talking or wait a fewday

Keep talking I guess but depends on his personality if he's easily annoyed or irritated.. Just don't be too clingy.
Liked by: 7amo0o0diii

Are u sure gaining someones trust back is impossible but I need this person in my life we talk 24\7 before this holiday I know the personality I know him but how do I show him I won't his trust back do I talk like normal but I'm afraid I do that he would say I don't care about what happened

You don't need anyone that doesn't need you.. & I'm confused now is the person a guy or a girl l2na mara it's a 'he' mara it's a 'she'.. The story is seeming faker by the day.

Are u sure ganining someones trust back is impossible I know her I know her personality but like I'm not sure what to do to get her trust back should keep talking to her like before ?or should I what, what would u do your my idol

It is lol, well for me personally it is.. Since you know her personality and how she's like then you'll know how to deal with her?


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