

Ask @FatenF

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Y9eer tg3deen 9ooby fel break? Aby sndoo7ech y'3a6y el shams 3any plz.. El dnyaa 7aarrr awyy !!

Mdry a9e7 wla a'97k wla?... =))

Are friends with Faisal Al7awaj maal grade 9? I see you guys alot in the same place!

Yeah I am

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if ur so annoyed with banat df3tch, laish tetla9gain fehum?

When did I say I was annoyed with them? W Ana matl9g fe a7ad, there's a difference Bain having friends w tl9g-ing so learn it gabl latyen ttfalsfeen

Are you taking IGSCE Art next year?who in your class got a letter?

No I'm not.. Ain't nobody got time for IGCSE art while I'm planning on taking everything extended so I need to be focused... & I didn't even get the letter anyways lawl

LOVE the top you're wearing in the maryam shabib's recent photo, where is it from gorgeous?

H&m love xx

Thoughts on the next year to be seniors?

They're going to be great seniors, they're all so sweetttt x
Liked by: yq

I know what u meant hahahahaha it was still funny =)) I got a merit, though during the mocks I got lots of A's which I got as C's in the actuals, so its gonna be tough and u cant depend on ur school the mocks were far easier than the real thing. Good luck once again♥ beautiful♥

Everyone says the mocks are always harder than the actuals! How are your grades, roughly, supposed to be I receive merit? this whole thing is confusingg and ahhhahah thankyou!xx

Distinguished HAHAHAHAHAH sorry its distinction! =)) (different person) good luck with that very few do most end up with a merit and many just a pass

The award is called distinction but if you get it it means you're distinguished:p that's what I meant ahaha! Yeahhh hopefully I do good thoo xx

Some universities needs 1 year physics in either grade 10 11 or 12 for medicine, for the safe side i suggest you to drop econ and physics gets easier

I researched a couple universities and not many required physics and I can always take a small course in uni or something if it's absolutely necessary and econ is really easy for me and I wanna get a distinguished award In my igcse exam and if I keep it, I have higher chances and economics is one of the other options to major in sooo

What is more meaningful in your opinion? A) Someone dying for you B) Someone living for you

Mr. Do-do
Dying, because anyone can live but no one is selfless enough to sacrifice themselves for someone else
Liked by: Mr. Do-do

So why will you drop physics, why not chemistory?

Physics is my weakest subject grades wise and I don't want it to affect my gpa and I don't plan on studying anything related to physics in college, opposed to chemistry that I'll need if I end up studying medicine since it's one of my options.


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