

Ask @freshjimint

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Do you sleep in complete silence and darkness?

i used to but now i have a small dog baby who's scared of the dark so i open a small lamp for him and as for the silence....well, rover snores reaaalllyyy loud so there's that.

Do u like to read the book first or watch the movie first? I mean for stories that are both a book and a movie

either works for me tbh!!!!! sometimes i've read the books before a movie (like harry potter and percy jackson) and there are times when i've watched a movie that got me curious enough to read the books (like i am number four). i'm not that picky about it. i enjoy reading and watching all the same.

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What can you do to make this world a better place?

just be kind to others. everything is so depressing these days that even just a small act of kindness could brighten someone's day or even give someone a big turnaround without even knowing it. these things are powerful and it saved people like me as well.

Where were you born?

i was born and raised in california lol but i spent the rest of my growing up in the philippines!!! this is why my i'm more adept to speaking in english than tagalog (sadly)

Got a rarepair to gush about?

*puts volume on max and screams through the megaphone* I LOVE KLOELECHTER SO DAMN MUCH THAT I DON'T CARE IF I'M SCREAMING INTO THE VOID BY MYSELF!!!!
Liked by: Ian Elstub

Are you a healthy eater, or are you more into junk food?

all my fave foods are super unhealthy lmao plus i like eating a LOOOOTTT so if you're looking for someone healthy it's definitely not me lmao

Are yout ticklish?

no :< it rly depends on how you tickle me, bc chances are you're just hurting me??? if i wasn't initially laughing before the tickling starts it gets pretty painful for me
Liked by: Shinaka

If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake?

while mistakes offer an avenue for people to learn it also comes with the feelings of regret, shame, or fear of being in the same situation again. it's not always as easy as some people make it out to be, it's a long process of not only making sure to never do the stupid thing again but recover from the fact that it actually happened and came with consequences whether it's just suddenly remembering how bad it went down or the fact that people were affected and will probably never forget. it's those kind of things that understandably make people scared of making mistakes again but it could just be me.

What product would you seriously stockpile if you found they weren't going to sell it anymore? ??

HONEY BUTTER CHIPS!!!!!!! idk why im so obsessed with it djdhdjdjd and maybe monea curl defining milk hair lotion???? that thing is helps me keep my curls from going all over the place i cant live without it now

Have you ever made a mistake?....what's the biggest one you've ever made...?

don't ever drink with your heart in emotional turmoil around people who aren't that close to you. DON'T. learn from lena 2014's mistakes!!!
Liked by: Ian Elstub

Who comes in your mind first in morning and can give you a reason to smile with?

or when my friends tag me in crow pics they're very nice to wake up to lol

If you could go to any place right now where would you go?

maybe finland??? i wanna go to that cool igloo hotel and just watch the stars

You’re stuck on a deserted island with a Trails character. There are some natural resources, but no guaranteed rescue or obvious way to leave. Who are you with and what would you do?

ORDINE!!!!!! he's big, he's sexy and he will fly me out to see Crow!!!! AWWWYEAAA but first i'd probably enjoy an island getaway with my diFINE knight
Liked by: Rose Star

Is there a Trails character who you didn’t like at first but now love?

it's definitely millium. i honestly thought she was very annoying to me at first bc she seemed so dense about everything but her own thoughts?? but as the story progressed i realized it was bc she didn't know how to process emotions like everyone else and went through a lot of growth thanks to class vii. she's my sunshine child!!
Liked by: Rose Star

Recommend an anime!

HMMMMM. i honestly haven't watched that much anime recently but i really like mob psycho 100!!

What would your preferred weapon be in the trails universe?


Do You Believe In Soul Mates??❤

wow. uhh haha
i've always believed that everyone has a soulmate?? someone destined for them??? idk under all the skepticism and realist perspective on things im kind of a stupid idealist deep down but it's very difficult to bring it out of me unless we're talking about ships.
Liked by: Rose Star

If you give are you expecting something to receive???

i dunno call me cheesy but when i give people things i'm really just excited to see if they like it?? maybe their happiness is what i expect lmao when i give things i just hope they know i love and appreciate them lots. idk i guess part of it is also bc i've accepted that people don't always have the same heart or capacity to give as you, so just give honestly and with heart
Liked by: Ian Elstub

What are your plans for this month? Anything exciting?

AAAAA A LOT ACTUALLY!!!!!! i'm a little stressed at work but i have a lot of events im very excited to go to!!! gonna go partying with my friends, watch infinity war (again), go to a kehlani concert, and my much awaited monthly karaoke night!!!! GOTTA KEEP THAT TRIPLE CROWN PERFECT SCORE RECORD!!!

How do you feel about multishipping?

it's perfectly fine, honestly!! i can't blame people who see potential in characters put in different relationships! chara A could look lovely with chara B but also chara C!! EVEN BOTH!!! plus ngl i have a tendency to do that as well
Liked by: Rose Star

When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

......i wanted to be....a comedian.....but then i realized i wasn't very funny and get a little nervous in front of really large crowds

Flip over to the cold side of the pillow. Yay or nay?

YAY!!!! it's the best part of lying down on the bed honestly!! it feels so refreshing and i kinda get that mental image of those people who sleep really well in tv commercials

Myers-briggs type?

i decided to take the test again just to be sure, but as always i'm an INFP!!! introverted, intuitive, feeling, perceptive!!! i am apparently an old hermit in the body of a young adult


Language: English