Ask @gbrlsrn

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If you were to get a tattoo today, what would you get and where would you have it placed?

Yakuza half-sleeve. Ancient dragons, samurai. Dat shit. For real.

Seriously why do you bite your nails?

It's a habit I've had since I was a kid and I never really kicked it! I've tried but it's sooooo hard to resist

Best nail salon in Taft?

I honestly have no clue. Probably best to ask someone who doesn't bite their nails literally 5 minutes after getting them done

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Favorite authors?

Okay, shit. I am not that well read, but so far!! I love Miranda July, Donna Tartt, Joan Didion, Neil Gaiman, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Elizabeth Gilbert, Gillian Flynn, Wes Craig, and Haruki Murakami.

Do you share make up with your sister?

Yep! But she only does her lashes and brows so I only ever have to lend her my lash curler and mascara. She uses her own brow pencil.

Favorite song?

Transparent Theme Song by Dustin O'Halloran HAHAH I tear up every single time I hear it gagu ;___;

Does Sam have a weird name too?

Sam is her weird nickname, after Sam from Green Eggs and Ham HAHA her real name is Mariana

have u tried any restaurant lately? give me a food review, will you? thankss!! :D

Last new place I tried was KyoChon Chicken in Rob Manila! I know it's huge in Korea and they have branches in the north so it's not /new/ new but the foodz are reaaalllyyyyy good. I had the original chicken (packed with flavor but could be bigger) and kimchi rice (nomnomnom)

Who named you? And why on earth are you named after Dr. Seuss? :)) just found ur name pretty hilarious sorryyyyy hahahaha

Pretty glad my dad gave me a weird name.
I'm pretty glad
That I have a dad (who named me Seuss) (I tried) (leave the rhyming to the real Seuss)

What's did u receive from whilce on ur baptismal day?

A Puppycat plushie and tickets to an advanced screening of Spider-Man 2 given last year when we met for the first time hahaha

How does ur family feel abt u publishing ur artwork on national paper? Btw really happy for u tho :))

They're really happy and supportive about it!!! My mom used to write and my dad's an artist himself, so

Gab!!! Love ur black heels so much. Where did u bought it n how much?? Would really appreciate it if u answer this. Love love xxx

I got them at Forever 21 for 1450!

ilan kayo ngayon sa ad astra? pwede pa ba mag join :(

Sorry, application closed last night! And there are about 25 of us atm


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