Ask @gbrlsrn

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What was your first concert? No matter how embarrassing - let's hear it.


gabs! what's your skincare routine?

Cetaphil cleanser, Lush Tea Tree Water toner, Lush Enzymion moisturizer, and THE BLOOD OF MY SWORN ENEMIES

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Ohhh thank you! Do you accept Freshmen?

Yes, yes we do! Recruiting this September. Tell yo friendz, tell yo lovah, tell yo sistah, and yo brotha

hi!!! idk who to ask about this but i'm going to take a talent test for interior design soon. do you have any tips? i know you do illustration but omg do you have any tips for perspective, proportion, design, stuff like that? i'm really scared :(

I'm no authority on interior design, but when it comes to any kind of drawing it's really, really all about practice and research. Everyday, set aside 2-3 hours to draw different interior settings (from life or from photos) and to browse through interior design blogs. I suggest Elle Home, Dwell Magazine, and good ol' Tumblr. Take note of styles, shapes, patterns, textures that would look good on your test paper.

Is Benildean Yearbook office the same as the Benildean Press Corps?

Contrary to popular belief: No. They are 2 separate orgs. BPC does magazines/journals, and BYO does the yearbook.

What's your Myers-Briggs? :)

INFJ the first time I took it, but then I took it a week after to be sure and I got INFP so hmmmmm

What would you most like to do if money were no object?

Grad school at Tisch or SVA because DREAMS

Do you dorm/condo or are you uwian? If ever you're uwian do you commute using the bus/lrt? And is it scary huhu sorry so much questions :(

Uwian! I'm usually hatid-sundo (cuz my mom works nearby) but I take the bus home from Taft to Las Piñas about once or twice a week. It's easy!!! Just know where to get on/off and stay alert, though most of the time it's pretty chill. If you're scared, it helps to find friends/blockmates you can commute with! I rarely LRT but it's eazy beanz too

Ohh!! I have been planning to join the Benildean Yearbook org but my campus is in the main! And I'm not really good with editing :( more like photography and interviewing and somewhere near those huhu

Our office is in Main!! And we have non-art related positions like Photographer, Videographer, Illustrator, Content Development Writer (interviews and features!!), Customer Support Staffer (talking to/handling yearbook subscribers), Web Development Staffer (if you like coding), etc etc etc! Join naaaa

Hello! Do you have any csb frosh tips? :o and I would just like to know, how was your frosh experience? :o

Memorize your student ID number. Bring yellow pad, 1x1 pictures, your EAF, umbrella. Never, ever be without your ID - you lose it, you screwed. Take note of your class schedule and find out which rooms and buildings they're in. If you have classes in SDA and you don't want to be late, take the elevator 20-25 minutes before class because lines are long. Basic etiquette: if you don't want any shade from upperclassmen or profs, don't cut in line, don't block hallways, don't walk slow. If you can't print homework at home, there are comp shops scattered behind Main campus and along Vito Cruz. Stay alert on the streets! If you're bringing a laptop/tablet/camera to school, be sure to get a blue form from security upon entry. And be yourself!!! There are no cliques in college, and you find so many people you jive with. Also ~plug~ join my org, the Benildean Yearbook Office!!! HAHA we're recruiting 1st term, and if you get in you will receive benefits + professional experience, make friends, and become a scholar with a huge tuition discount!!!! ANYWAY. My frosh experience was great! I really enjoyed my first year. I met so many amazing people with similar interests and it was really easy to make friends. My classes and professors were great, and I really learned how to be independent. Best of all, I think I really came into my own in that I finally broke out of my shy high school self, found my voice, discovered my style. College does that people, so you should embrace it!!

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have you ever considered getting bangs?

I did once in high school but I never pushed through with it. Curly hair + greasy skin = yyyyya get it

How do you know that you're in love?

When u get a fluttery feeling in ur chest
When you blush at the thought of their smile
When u can't go a day without talking to them
When u wake up one morning and Hall & Oates' "You Make My Dreams Come True" starts playing and u perform an elaborately choreographed flashmob-esque dance number complete with fireworks and a marching band on the way to work

do you have lockers in benilde? just wondering, hehe thanksss

Yep we do! You can register to use one for a term

what leave on conditioner do u use?

Right now I use this thick damage repair cream from Dove! It comes in a big tube??? It's my sister's. I just use whatever's there lol

Hello!! I miss gabycantdraw so much! please do whatever makes you happy and do art ✨ stay gold ✨

Aww thank you so much!!! I'm on a 4-month summer break and I fully intend to do just that! &&& blog reboot SOON


1. Never comb
2. That's it. GO GET 'EM, GIRL!!!!!!!
jk first of all *thank you* and ummm I shampoo only once every other day, and I always leave in a dollop of conditioner on after I shower, and I like to put my hair in a topknot when there's no need to ~show off~ so when I let it down it's all sexy & voluminous. char

top 10 mac lipsticks in your wishlist?

In no particular order: Chic, Spice Is Nice, Rebel, Hot Tahiti, Mocha, Fresh Moroccan, O, Heroine, Viva Glam I, & Hang Up !!!

Who do you look like more, your mom or dad?

Hmm I think face-wise I look more like my dad, same eyes and jawline. But I have a lot of my mom's features too! Brows, lips, teeth, curly hair, figure. We have the same gait too so people say I walk and move just like her haha


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