Ask @gbrlsrn

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gaby, have you ever tried print screening a shirt? i wanna make my own shirts, but i fear it's too complicated. especially with so many colors! any advice?

Yes! Well, I should say upfront that it definitely isn't easy, so if you want to do it
1) get familiar with the process (tons of tutorials on YouTube)
2) know that the list of materials, equipment you need to set up is HEFTY. I'm talking silkscreens, film - the gooey blue kind in a jar, a squeegee, and textile paint (all available at National) + you will also need:
- a lightbox (literally a big box with a glass top and lights in it for exposing your screens. I had my dad build one for me, but I know some people use the sun. Haven't tried that so I can't say it works for me personally)
- a dimly-lit workspace or darkroom close to a big sink or faucet. When screen printing, you have to avoid external lights that can keep your design from developing clearly on your screen, and you're gonna need high-pressure water from a hose or faucet to rinse off your screen
- a large sturdy tabletop
Typically you can't really print something with many colors, since 1 color = 1 screen and so much has to be done to make 1 screen, so keep in mind that when printing a multi-color design, keep it at 4-5 colors :)
It can be discouraging, but if you commit to it and know that it's really something you want to get into, do it!

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ever tried rosebud salve? is it any good? :)

I believed the hype and bought a canister for myself a while back. It lasts long and prevents chapped lips (I used it on my elbows too) so I would suggest it as a dryness remedy, HOWEVER the product doesn't really sink in and moisturize/improve the condition of your lips tbh - I honestly just had a slick, thick, super oily layer of glossy salve on my lips the whole day. I had to wipe it off and reapply with every meal because it was sticky, plus, my lips appeared paler after a few hours of having it on. ALSO: The rose smell is really overwhelming. Mala funeral parlor. So no, no good. Better go with Chap Stick.

can you post pics of your shoes? :)

As you can see, they are all so very very clean (these are the ones I wear the most, I forgot to include non-sneakers, I am currently accepting cash donations for more shoes)

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nasuot mo na combat boots mo na walang socks?

Yup! A couple times. Masakit nga lang if it's for the whole day

edi lagi namamawis paa mo when you don't wear socks?

Oks lang! JOKE haha for me di naman eh.....I'm still pHrE$hhhh

what are your sneakers? and why do you have combat boots? haha

I've got Superga, Converse, Vans, and cheap ones from SM, Rubi, and F21 etc etc. Combat boots because sweg!!! ;) they're from Palladium!

Do you know the band The Ransom Collective?

I know who you are and you tweet about them a lot ;) haha I don't know any songs, which should I start with? :)

do you know the band oh honey? i feel like you'll like them!

I've never heard of them but I'll listen to their stuff stat! Any suggestions?

where did the name vol-ver come from?

I just put a hyphen between the title of one of my favorite movies ever: Volver

is almond milk good? is it healthier?

It's delicious and I love it but I only ever drink Vanilla flavored almond milk. I think it has less fat, less calories and it's lactose free

how do you mend a broken heart?

Hmm I guess, allow yourself to let it out, cry it out...but at some point you just have to stop thinking about it. That's the hardest thing to do but it's the only thing to do to move on from anything

If someone started to massage your feet would you stop them?

Unless they were a massage therapist or a pedicurist or my mom I'd probably just go ahead and kick them instead.

gaby, how can i love myself :(

First: No excuses, you have to learn to ignore everything in your life that makes you feel bad about yourself. Every thinspo blog, every annoyingly hot and popular girl/guy on Facebook, all the smack people might've have said or have yet to say to hurt you or hurt people under the same circumstances as you, the list goes on. You can't get rid of it. It is everywhere, but it is toxic to your becoming the best person you can become, so you have to force yourself to turn away from it.
Second: shut that voice inside of your head telling you you're not good enough for anything or anybody. I know you have it, heck, I have it. I know self-deprecation is like a drug, and the hurt is addicting, but what does it even give you, really? Wallowing in your "dark place" won't give you any will to realize your worth, so just don't go there. Before you start loving yourself, you definitely have to stop putting yourself down for every flaw and fault you think you have, and allow your strengths and achievements to rise above, however small they may be. Remind yourself everyday, that you are beautiful, special, talented, and NEEDED and NECESSARY and ABSOLUTELY LOVED by people around you. Never lose sight of that, never let yourself think anybody is superior to you - that anybody is better looking, or smarter, or richer, or more gifted. Screw it ALL, ALL THE TIME. Make it a habit to push away the first ounce of negativity that creeps into your mind, because you don't have time for that BS, because NEWSFLASH: You RULE. Babes, hello! You fuckin' run THE WORLD. You may not see it now, but TRUST that God put you on this Earth for a good reason. Start believing in yourself and I promise you will find that reason, you will find the passion to pursue your purpose, you will achieve that purpose, and everything will turn out fine.
It's a struggle, I know. I still struggle. It'll be hard, but you GOTTA have faith that day after day, you will start to shine more and more, and soon enough, you'll become invincible - you will face the world with the love you have inside of you, and the world around you will return that love tenfold :) That's all I have to say, and whoever you are, I hope it helps <3

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Do you like taking notes in colored or black pens?

Black mostly! I like using colored pens just for headers and important points

What's the largest amount of money you've ever lost?

1700 pesos. I kept it in a plastic Mentos gum pack - someone thought it was trash and threw it away :(

where do u get the refill paper for the ones in muji?? i know they have 30holes kase

At Muji too, but those loose leaf sheets they have for the small binders are rarely in stock haha

but arent they too bulky? where do u file ur test papers and handouts?

You can get small, thin ones at Muji! I have a soft plastic folder for my papers :)

notebooks or binders?

LIFELONG DILEMMA, SWEAR - but I'm leaning towards binders now that I'm in college and I can throw my notes away after every term

u look good!! college bloom, i see?

College bloom, meganon!? Huwaw tnx! But more like college bleh - my eyebag game is tight, yo


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