Ask @gbrlsrn

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hi Gaby I really like the way you do your eyeliner, what do you use? (:

Étude House Oh M'Eye Line liquid liner and the focus & concentration of a professional bomb squad agent. Cat-eyes = HIGH PRESSURE SITUATION

what's tinyletter?

It's that write these letters and people can sign up to read them. It's like old school Pen Pal email only cute and special and tiny

gaby, would you recommend burt's bees?

Yes!! Their lippies are really nourishing and long-lasting. Idk much about their skin products though

Top 5 TV crushes?

Omfg 5 LANG???? Jk haha ok here are my bbs in no particular order
Daario Naharis (Game of Thrones)
Jon Snow (Game of Thrones)
Kit Walker/Tate Langdon (American Horror Story. That's 2 diff characters but whatever)
Rust Cohle (True Detective)
and Glenn Rhee (The Walking Dead)
Joey-lookalike, Dr. Will Collins, M.D. <333333

So you don't like your course? If you were to shift, what course will you shift to?

Film. I tried to! 3 terms in a row. But Film in CSB stopped letting shiftees in so I was like wtf ok thnks fr th mmrs
Liked by: Michael Warming

What was the courses you wrote down when you were applying for admu and up? are they art related as well?

Information Design and Creative Writing at ADMU and VisCom and Film at UP

What jobs can you have with your college course? :) btw, luv your work and fashion style!

Thank yooouu! Tbh I hate my course but I guess they're doing an ok job at prepping us to be graphic designers, illustrators, animators, Starbucks Baristas etc
Liked by: chari

You're honestly my fave artist and you're so nice and UGH I LOVE U (in a not creepy way. i'm just ur #1 fan) i found your tumblr when i was in second year hs and now i'm in my first year of college and i've kinda improved my skills because i've been really inspired by your works. LOVE YA GABY


Do you prefer drawing digitally or traditionally? Haha I'm still in the process of learning and lately I've been wanting to get a tablet and just learn on photoshop because it's more convenient and easy. Should I master traditional drawing first? Thoughts, insights would be appreciated x

Hmm! Uhhh I think you should be confident with your traditional drawing skills before you go on to digital. Drawing on a tablet takes a lot of getting used to if you're a beginner. It's really frustrating haha. Even relatively experienced artists have a hard time getting started on a tablet, so maybe practice on actual paper first :) if you really wanna go straight to digital though, then that's ok too! Since it IS harder than traditional, it might train you better. Just my 2 cents x

Did your parents ever tell you that choosing an art course isn't really practical/useful in the real world? Idk I really want to take viscomm but instead i'm shifting to architecture bc my dad says it promises financial stability (I'm really frustrated w this but I guess I'll have to deal w it)

Never. My dad took art in college, and I'd been drawing since my baby days, so when the time came for me to pick a course, art was the obvious choice and I'm really lucky my parents encouraged me to go for it. In fact, sometimes I think they wanted it more for me than I did. I've sorta been in your situation though, feeling pressure and struggling to choose the right path (loooong story) and if you really feel in your heart 100% that VisComm is for you, I say shift. You'd save yourself years of doing something you don't like, wasting time, which trust me – straight up sucks. But, I also know what it's like to not be able to change your situation because your parents want something else for you, and if you really can't change your dad's mind, then just stick with architecture. Give it a try. You might love it, but you'll likely hate it, and if it comes to that (to the point you'll want to get out) your parents will understand and let you shift. In the end, it's your life, it's your future career on the line.

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Liked by: Leon E mich

What's the best prank you've ever played on somebody?

I can't think of one. Probably because I'm always the one who gets pranked HAHAHA

Alright, fair enough! So I decided to scroll down on your page and I saw that post on your favorite playlist. One of the songs you wrote on there was Savage by Ben Khan, no one knows that song but me. You win. Soon I'm gonna go up to you and introduce myself.

c00l beanZ !

What can you say about people who think csb is a school for dlsu dropouts or when people see it as a school students go to when they failed other schools?

Okay okay I thought long and hard about this and here's what I have to say. I thought it was a backup school. I didn't pass the entrance test for my 1st choice, got wait-listed and rejected by my 2nd, I settled for my 3rd choice - CSB - and I'm still kinda bitter about it. So I guess I fall under that stereotype of students who are in Benilde because it was the only place left that would take them. BUT. I'd like to point out that after 6 terms in this school, I've only met 2 or 3 other people who settled for CSB like I did, because everybody else I know chose Benilde first. I'm talking smart, talented people who got into DLSU or UP or Ateneo or UST but went to CSB instead because they WANTED TO. So as much as I don't like the situation I'm in, I hate the false assumptions people have for this school even more. I can truly say a huge majority of Benildeans are proud of being students at Benilde and are satisfied with the value of education they get, for a number of reasons. The school caters to everyone: students, faculty, and staff alike. They have amazing programs for the deaf and disabled and offer great scholarships, grants, and financial assistance plans. We get tons of exposure to alternative learning opportunities with all the big talks and events that happen in-campus. OJT is no biggie with the arsenal of big company affiliations the school has. Our equipment and facilities are tight af. Our profs and administrators really push us to be great students such that former patapon kids in high school become Dean's List, student-leader types, not because our curriculums are petiks or anything (trust me, our shit is just as tough as everyone else's) but because we're really encouraged to be the best we can be. PLUS: I'm told our employment rate is higher than that of DLSU's, SO WHO DA REAL WINNERS HERE
Point is: I hope people stop thinking less of Benildeans just because of the bad (and SUPER LUMA) rep the school has. I may not love my college wholeheartedly (it's a course frustration thing), but I think I owe it to proud Benildeans who work their asses off and WILL get far in life to tell the haterz to fuq da fuq off

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Okay, noted! Who are these people intrigue you? If you don't their name can you describe them?

It's no one specific haha just people I come across who I notice have cool style


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