

Ask @gillyannnnnn

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What does your last text message say?

Good night baby. I love you too😉. Sweet dreams! See you at 9.30🙊💍👰🏻💒🏩👨👩👧👦🌹🌹🙈🙈😚😚😚❤️💝💗💝💗💚💝💕💓❤️❤️💝💖💝💞💛❤️💛💖💍💟💟xxxxxxxx

How do you know that you're in love?

I don't know, you just know I guess. Like you can talk about what it would be like to spend your lives together and it doesn't scare you. And you get butterflies every time you see them or think about them. You can just feel it. If you're not sure if you're in love then you're probably not. Because when it happens you just know

You're so strong

I've been told that a lot lately. But what the fuck does it even matter? Everyone seems to think I'm so strong emotionally because I've been through so much. But what the fuck is the point when I just keep dealing with shit over and over again? What does it matter if I'm smiling on the outside but my heart is breaking because everyone turns their back on me eventually? I don't think I'm strong. I've broken down so many times because of things I've had to go through. I'm tired of feeling worthless and I'm tired of being alone. It doesn't matter what I do, I've always got at least one problem happening in my life. So honestly what does it matter if I'm strong? Doesn't change anything

Pap beautiful

She was bound to be stabbed in the back. All for some fun in the sack🍃. Be whoever the fuck you want, do what you want and who you want. They'll judge you anyway.


Language: English