

Ask @gillyannnnnn

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What made you happy today?

Meeting at school went really well, I laughed a lot with my friends, Liam made me laugh and made me blush just like every other day. Today was a good day

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What is your favorite year of your life?

Oddly enough, last year. It was also probably the worst year of my life. I went through complete and utter hell. But I pulled through and came out the other side stronger. I made so many amazing friends -friends for life. And I also got rid of a lot of the trash in my life. There was so many changes in just that one year but perhaps the best of all was that I met the person I want to spend my life with. And it just so happens that he loves me back. Now, we're looking and planning ahead together. I'm so grateful for the things I have gained, despite the many hardships.

Why do u want to leave

I don't see the point in staying on when I'm on track for 5 A's and that'll be more than enough to do the course I want at the university I want for the sake of spending another year in a place where half the population hates me or judges me despite the fact they don't know me. I'm over the immature, high school drama.
Liked by: Rebecca O'Neill

What are your plans for next year?

Leave school, go to Strathclyde while Liam is at Herriot Watt, spend more time with Liam like weekends together and stuff, study hard, have fun, be happy
Liked by: Rebecca O'Neill

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

I'm quite out going but I'm more of an introvert in that I keep things to myself rather than telling people. I don't trust easily. So yeah, introvert probably
Liked by: Rebecca O'Neill


Language: English