

Ask @gillyannnnnn

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Why is a healthy lifestyle so trendy now?

Because being healthy is better than being over or underweight in the long run. You're likely to live longer and you're ultimately more attractive. I feel better about myself when my fitness is better. Exercising like I do means that I can still eat what I want but I'm not unhealthy. It's all about moderation. I think really it's about self esteem

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Is it easier to forgive or forget?

Forget. If someone hurts you it's often easier just to move on. It means you don't have to forgive them for what they did but you can at least try to move on

What personality trait do you admire in other people?

That they're accepting. I'm so tired of being judged that I love the kind of people that just accept me as I am. Take me or leave me, this is who I am. I can't change that. Acceptance is important to me. I have a lot of flaws and a lot of baggage

Did you ever think your life would turn out like this?

Not at all. I never thought I would be good enough for someone like Liam. I never thought the people I have lost would ever leave me. I didn't think it was possible to have been hurt so many times in such a short space of time but still manage to get out of bed every day. Never could I have imagined that my life would look like this. I'm thankful for so much of what I have but I've also lost a lot
Liked by: Rebecca O'Neill

Yes, Williams

Don't have enough to say to write a paragraph. She despises me for absolutely no reason and refuses to be civil😊😘

What was the last life-changing decision you had to make?

Changing my friends, my boyfriend, who I was as a person

Paragraph on Rachel ?

Williams? I know a lot of Rachel's. I'm only really friends with one. Rachel Spence

Perfect match for your best friends?

My best friends would probably rather I didn't say who their perfect matches are since I would just say who they like so let's leave it at that

What do you love about rebecca?

I don't even know that I know who she is anymore. We used to be so close but now we're barely being civil. I'm not even convinced she doesn't dislike me anymore. She used to mean everything to me but I don't know that I mean anything to her anymore. Aside from the fact that she's pretty, I don't know. We've barely had a civil conversation in a year
Liked by: Rebecca O'Neill

What do you love about Natashia?

Her fire. She's so strong and empowered. Natashia probably doesn't see it but really he's so inspiring. People have treated her so badly in the past yet she pushes on through and still manages to be there for me when I need her. Even with the smallest of problems. She's just always there. I've probably never trusted a girl as much as I trust her. Ever. We tell each other everything and regardless I will always be there for her if she needs me because she's been so kind to me these past couple of weeks. She's a beautiful person and I don't think she gets enough credit. Natashia truly is one of the greatest human beings I've ever had the pleasure of meeting in my life💘
Liked by: Rebecca O'Neill

What do u love about Liam?

Everything. He's my soul mate. He treats me better than anyone ever had before. He says good morning and good night to me every single day without fail. Even when there was an 8 hour time difference between us we compromised so I would wake up early just to talk to him. He looks at me in a way that nobody ever has. I can't really explain it its just that he looks at me like I am the only person in the room even if there are 50 other more beautiful girls there. He's just beautiful and perfect. Inside and out. No matter what happens with us, I'll probably always be in love with him. He's my world
Liked by: Rebecca O'Neill


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