

Ask @gillyannnnnn

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How often do you go to the movies?

Now and again... Depends whats on really. I could go like 3 weekends in a row and then not go for a month... Just whenever i guess<3

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What do you believe happens to us after we die?

We go to heaven or hell. Most of us to heaven and only those who have done really bad things will go to hell. Im not sure what I think about reincarnation... But id like to think im going to heaven<3<3

What’s the most scared you’ve ever been?

Ehm... I dont know? Ive never been in a really scary situation and I dont watch scary movies soo... Tvd, tw and pll are the scariest things i watch<3

What is your first memory with Rebecca?

Playing with a block of wood and a piece of string... I ran up to rebecca and shouted at her for doing it wrong:$
Liked by: Rebecca

What would you grow in your imaginary garden?

Pretty flowers and Malese Jow's, Ian Somerhalder's and some Michael Bublé's<3

What is your best memory and who with?

Ummmmm... Seeing the wanted with becca, seeing the wanted with allyson liz and lisa, seeing one direction with allyson... Have tonssssss with people from dancing<3<3<3

How much have you changed since primary?

ALOT. I know who I am now and Im stronger. Im not as mean either<3 I like me better now<3<3

What's on your to-do list this weekend?

Go to church in the morning, come home and see if mums feeling better<3

What song makes you want to dance?

Uhmm Shady by adam and sam sparrow<3 and... The fighter, heartbeat and all at once by the fray<3

Being different is good, and your my best friend no matter what you look like Love you!xx

RebeccaAmyONeill’s Profile PhotoRebecca
Aw ditto! Thank you and i know, like I said, i dont mind it but sometimes its annoying is all<3

Do you think people are basically bad or basically good?

Both<3 but sometimes these days it feels like way too many are bad</3

Do you like someone right now?

Thats kind of private soooooo... But yeah me and rebecca are gonna get married:)!

Your perfect the way you are,ok!xxx

RebeccaAmyONeill’s Profile PhotoRebecca
Aww thank you! And I know, I like the way I am but it does get annoying being so different:/<3


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