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Are you geeky

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I think that is for others to discern, rather than for me to ascertain. I did get a Doctor Who tattoo today though, so judge as you will. x
In all seriousness, while I could quite easily say yes in comparison to most, depending on which definition, I’m really not. I just have an excellent long term memory so I can just read something and while I’ll forget something very quickly, it will come back to me if and when I need it the most so I have basic knowledge of everything I’ve ever experienced or seen, read, felt or heard about and if there’s something I haven’t yet, I will. If you mean it in the sense of “geeking out” or “nerding out”, I’m more inclined to say yes but at the same time, that requires hobbies and nothing can hold my attention for long enough to become an hobby as I get bored quickly. I’ve been that kind of geek over that many different things at different stages of life, it would probably be hard for me to find something new again if I wanted to so I’ll say no, I’m not geeky, I just have basic knowledge and logic and I have the capacity but not the attention span to be geeky about something.

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