
Hollywood Daddy

Ask @HollywoodDaddy

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They should do a Shitty Youth film of you.

Well if it's anything like the original shitty youth movie they shouldn't. Tried to watch it twice, both times started falling asleep within the first couple minutes.

Why did Sam Pink put an end to his blog?

Didn't ask.
His email has always been easily accessible. Ask him yourself and if you don't get an answer, then live with the mystery inside your heart and move on.

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i love Escoria with her cute bangs. her bangs and curves and talent. do you like me think Escoria is edible?

I think all women are edible from a distance. Don't really give a shit about her bangs. She does have intriguing eyes.
And, hey, fuckhead, have you even seen her in person? Like, you know, that magical place that's not in front of a computer screen. Because if you haven't, then you don't know anything about her 'curves.'
What you love is the idea of 'juliet escoria.' Which is why you're creepy and will most likely never interact directly with the lady.
And, what's up with this shit of including me with your nonsense. Just say, 'hey, juliet escoria is hot. had to put it out there.' Can't anyone think for themselves, by themselves, anymore.
The one part of this you got right is her talent. Good job.
Admit that I get very 'turned off' while in the company of most people, men or women, but can enjoy interacting with sassy j. So, in that regard, she's better than edible.
Tough love: advise you to walk away from the internet, go to a public place and engage in conversation with a woman, repeat until your rapey vibe dissipates.

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if you don't start liking me i will kill myself.

This is the most bitchmade shit. Firmly believe anyone who wants to kill themselves will just do it and anyone threatening to kill themselves is a manipulative shit heart who probably should go off in the woods and figure out why they're god damned burden to everyone they know.
Thumbs down, fuck you.

so public speaking not a source of anxiety for you?

Unsure if you mean, like, speaking in a public place or actual speech making.
Neither makes me nervous anymore. The former used to. In the past, i've been seriously afflicted with social anxiety. I spoke about it in previous answers. So, read the archives if you want to know more.
Speech making hasn't ever been difficult as long as i'm allowed to be myself. Joking is how I've always coped with reality and doing it in front of people is just as simple as doing it inside my head. But if I have to make some sort of neutered performance, then I become stricken with latent hostility. Which could be misidentified as nervousness.
I don't put myself in many opportunities to publicly speak though.
I've always had a very dominant personality but was held back by anxiety, social awkwardness, etc. That shit is all gone now.
I think it's very common for a stranger to look at me and think, 'that guy is dick.' Which is true/untrue, depending on how i'm approached.

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belief in differing silences ruined authorship. before that the sound flowed continually.

A pussy-fart traveling at the speed of light colliding with a desolate planet named 'pork chop.'

Remember that 1970s film of Bukowski walking and driving around LA? Him waiting for his woman who'd fucked off for a few days and at the sound of any car he kept looking out the window. Did you say he attracted you to LA? He's the only writer all my mates have read.

No, he didn't attract me to los angeles. if anybody, it was fante.
I was commuting 6 hours (3 each way) from orange county to my job in west la. It was a great magnifier of depression. I did it though to stay near my son. But, his bitch mom barely let me see him and eventually I was, like, 'damn, why am I commuting this much just to see my son for 48hours a month.'
I didn't know much about the different parts of the city. This affable scumbag weirdo freak co-worker named 'dude' lived in hollywood and recommended I check the area out after hearing that my ex-wife was taking 1600 a month from me. He was only paying $700 for a studio.
It wasn't until later that I realized the area I moved to was the bukowski stomping grounds.
The liquor store in that movie was right next to my apartment. So was the pink elephant liquor store. Sadly, they painted over the original mural with some sort of surreal alien elephant puke scene.

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Who do u think is asking you all these questions? Also what are some fashion no-no's and yes-yes's, in your opinion, for women

I haven't thought about it. Feels like a lot of dudes are asking questions by the energy and tone of them. Maybe one or two chicks.
Fashion no-no's lately seem to be 'lazy bitch aesthetic.' It's, like, wearing an oversized cropped tshirt with moderately tight leggings or yoga pants. That look is okay for hard bodies of the 80's. These skinny fat girls who obviously think walking to starbuck's is tedious look bad in it.
Another no-no is wearing the same style as everyone else. It's exhausting seeing so many women looking unremarkable and similar. Like, try a little harder. Or don't. Whatever.
Another no-no seems to be a very white girl mistake, which is wearing clashing shoes, skirt and top. Bitches be looking like a walking neopolitan ice cream puke.
Another no-no is wearing one of those wannabe seventies hats that looks like a taco salad shell during completely inappropriate times, like, while driving a car, or, wearing sweat pants.
I think style is about matching the right look with a person's personality, so, a yes-yes could be anything, even a hefty bag with holes cut out for the arms and head.
I'm a big fan of hips. So anything that accentuates those, in some way, is a yes-yes for me. But, it's also a let down when a woman doesn't know how to use them, at all.
The supreme yes-yes for me is topless and barefoot in tight blue jeans, like, real fucking blue jeans, not these synthetic paper thin bullshit leggings/faux jeans they sell now.
Also a big fan of a barefoot woman in a sun dress.
Also a big fan of terry cloth rompers and tube tops.
Also a big fan of very thin girls in slightly oversized velvet mini-dresses.
Wish women would boycott urban outfitters. That place is just disgusting.

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Post a picture of your favorite movie!

Having a 'favorite' movie seems like the most bleak reality I can think of right now. But here's a still from one of the many movies I enjoy.

who is this person? who are you "language/words" person? i'm watching you.

It doesn't matter. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. We don't have to agree.

"If anything, words are pesticide laced barnacles weighing down your authentic self. And, without them, 'questions' are non-existent." seems like something we should maybe mention in school.

School is an institution of conformity.

I am a word. Feel me "own" you. But as to whether you feel me "own" you or not feel me "own" you, I still "own" you. I am a word.

I definitely concur that language is prison. Pretty sure i've said that in the past too.

before language there were two feelings: fear and wanting - simple, direct, timeless, immediate; no memory, no identity, food go here not there. the words create what you call emotions and experience out of that simplicity. you are being lived by words.

This is the dumbest shit I've read in a long time...

does DFW have the Daddy seal-of-approval?

Aspect of my personality where, like, i'm really 'hard headed' and react strongly against anyone telling me what to do. It's such an extreme influence that I avoid books/movies/music/whatever if they're widely popular because it often feels like people are passively instructing me what I should be enjoying.
Which is why I haven't read any dfw. Almost have a couple times but couldn't do it.
Probably in about 5 years or so I'll start.

"Metabolism is a trait of a living organism. Words are dead." Words affect the metabolism. Thoughts/language download into the body as emotions. Words are living you right now.

Emotions existed prior to language. Like, spend some time with a fucking baby or a dog or in nature.
If anything, words are pesticide laced barnacles weighing down your authentic self. And, without them, 'questions' are non-existent.


Language: English