
Hollywood Daddy

Ask @HollywoodDaddy

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brother in thumbs, what is the meaning of 'thumbs down' living to you?

Thumbs down is a reaction to the reality--this, the age of crumbs--that I exist within. Honestly don't understand how any intelligent person can live in america right now without feeling an insurmountable disgust towards what our culture has leveled to. We're ruled by corporations, pharmaceutical companies, war mongering government, militarized police and chemical representations of food once meaningful.
People don't give a shit about anything except looking cool, obtaining the latest gadget, ejaculating money or pandering for binary value. Genuine individuality is near extinction but there's 400 television channels blasting marketing campaigns, and, oh yeah, $45 nirvana shirts at urban outfitters! Communities are being built around malls. Music is just background noise for drugs and acts of promiscuity with at least 30 of your 'best friends'. Language is meaningless thanks to subversive marketing and reality tv. Everybody is addicted to the availability of convenience but lack any critical thinking skills to fathom what comes before or after what that convenience provides. Men/women shave their fucking scrotum/pelvis because porn is somehow real... It would be easier to list all the shit not completely embarrassing/doomed about our society.
It's a common ideology to think anything negative is inherently wrong/bad--which is insane. Like, a dissenting voice is held in less esteem than the fucked up shit its criticizing simply because of the fragility of man's ego. In other words, it's better to whisper the lie than admit fault/failure.
I don't believe i'm a negative person, at all. Really, I'm a mirror. You won't see me being grumpy or hateful or depressing while interacting with children, animals, senior citizens, the mentally/physically handicapped, nature or any person who has the spirit to be an individual.
I don't think it's terribly difficult to give a shit about something other than yourself, to make a tiny impact on the world you were born into and leave it a slightly better place--even if it's just feeding some starving alley rats half your high-fructose corn syrup laden corn dog.
If you don't feel a volcano-like hostility surging inside of your soul from witnessing the misuse of the human spirit by the end of each day, then you're a conceited turd or just a self-victimizing punk without the balls to face a reality that's a massive anvil weighing down on your chest.
Thumbs down is having the resolve to not hide in a digital ant hole, to walk out into the shadow of the anvil and let it crush your organs to soup out of care for the humans you're inherently connected with because enduring the pain brought through defiance is more agreeable than turning over and getting passively raped like everyone else
Even if those humans are spitting at your face, screaming about 'harshing their buzz' and twitching like crack-fiends while they wait for a drug dealer to announce, 'you've got mail.'

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When you’ll be 90 years old, what will matter most to you?

What ex-hallmark-greeting-card writer conjures up these romper-room philosophy questions for the qotd. Seriously, whoever that supreme shit soul is needs to die a brutal death. The idea of any human being living past age 50 is absurd. There's lava and space and we don't understand any of it. But, hey, we've used our superior intellect to figure out how to triple our life expectancy so we can maximize our glib, selfish and destructive lifestyle, so, after living 90 frivolous years of whining, socializing and blunted sexual intercourse what dumb fucking shit will still be important to you! I hope every god damn person who earnestly answers this question gets lupus, herpes and gout and enjoys 90 years of torment. Like, for real, fuck you.

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What's the best dating advice you have?

Only seek relationship partners with the same traits, hobbies and tastes as you that way your ego will be perpetually placated and you'll never be reminded of how fucking boring and trite your pathetic existence really is.

What's the most valuable thing you've held in your hands?

Unable to recall any time i've grabbed something with both hands like scrooge mcduck and thought, 'yes, now this is valuable!' Completely certain external value only exists ephemerally and that pussy, food, children, tools and shelter are the only objects able to hold such value. Everything else is just shiny nonsense manufactured by an outside entity for the purpose of subverting resources/strength/social rank.

If you had to get one thing tattooed on your forehead, what would it be?

A black hole cleverly disguised as a forehead.

what is your favorite jean claude van damme movie and why

bruh, c'mon. that's like asking what blow job is your favorite. how am i supposed to pick one over the other. still, one did speak to my lonesome heart more than the others. two words: wrong bet.

describe in detail what is, to you, the perfect smelling pussy

Any pussy that doesn't force a double-take, is only viewable by tilting your head to the side and squinting and/or has a pungent 'sardines in a baby diaper' stench that incinerates your nasal cavity like cocaine cut with wasabi, is the perfect smelling pussy.

if i went to los angeles what would i need to see, if anything? be my tour guide

Strongly advise not visiting los angeles. Every major street has construction of some sort impeding traffic. It makes traveling via surface streets unbearable.
I consider 2013 the year old los angeles died. Sounds a little dramatic but historic business after historic business shut down because greedy building owners rather cater to the majority of people who're here on a protracted visit, the kinds that don't give a shit about LA and vomit money.
Hollywood Park Racetrack in Inglewood--where bukowski made a second home--was closed so a new condominium/shopping mall structure could be built.
The city has even been trying to push out the bums in skid row so they can make a bunch of condos/apartments/shopping bullshit.
East LA and the warehouse district are still untouched and beautiful, but moderately to extremely dangerous.
Feel like you should save money, go to the library and read fante and/or bukowski. They'll give you a better los angeles than the gigantic mall that it's become.

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Do you really collect women’s panties?

Hollywood Daddy
Yes, I’m a harvester of soiled undergarments. I know that’s not a socially accepted thing to say but it’s true. I really like panties. I don’t want to steal them though, only want ones which are gifted. I encourage all women to send a pair. I don’t discriminate. Just, like, don’t try to give me the old polio blanket routine.
Email me and i’ll give you my address (jdean33442@gmail.com). Or, if I’m too mean to email but you like the idea of a stranger owning your worn underwear, email sam pink. He’s really nice and can give you my address. (sampinkisalive@gmail.com)

What’s the meaning of life?

Hollywood Daddy
This question is just a marketing slogan for religion. It’s based on the idea that meaningfulness is gained through a morally just existence. But, really, it’s all for the sake of being subservient to a set of rules Also, if those rules are broken, you’ll materialize in a bad place after death.
Being subservient to ‘god’ grants vip access to heaven. And being rebellious grants banishment to hell. Each destination is supposed to reflect the moral path you choose. A reward/punishment system.
Allegedly, Hell is an underground cavern of pure pain and torment while Heaven resembles a country club washed in glitter, when both are the same bedroom decorated with different colored curtains.
What I mean is that pain and torment are shitty things to endure, like, most people will do everything they can to avoid even the idea of them, but, as anyone afflicted by chronic pain knows, the initial trauma is what hurts intensely then the body adjusts, senses dull, and living feels like drowning in slow motion. Eventually, the original pain--and what came before it--is barely memorable.
Heaven and hell are for eternity, so, it doesn’t matter how you’ve lived because eventually your reality will just be stagnation and that im/moral life a vague memory of a childhood dream.
If you’re asking me ‘what’s the meaning of life’ on an instinctive level, I think the answer is ‘persistence.’ Not as individuals, but as a species.
I think on a very primal level we’re wired to seek persistence, as if we gain some sort of validation through endurance, but living a soft existence causes a feeling of emotional/psychological/philosophical emptiness. Without triumph, which can only be gained through struggle, this deep seeded desire for persistence isn’t satiated, so, there’s a palpable despair and agony which can be felt but not touched.
The way to (mostly) negate the internal drive towards persistence is through convenience and distraction. Constructing reality in such a way that doing anything affords minimal effort and knowledge while inundating a person’s consciousness with an unending stream of rapid-fire input causes the mind to be in a state of shallow reaction. Similar to how it’s almost impossible to think of anything remarkable while staring at a strobe light, or, comprehend the dynamics of radiation by pressing buttons on a microwave.
This is the greatest affliction facing culture now. I think the existential question will be nullified within the next 100 years, probably sooner. Which, to me, seems really terrifying, but I’ll be ashes by then (thumbs up!).
To answer the original question though, the meaning of life is: long plateaus of strife separated by anorexic valleys of orgasms.

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Why are you so mean?

Hollywood Daddy
Damn, good question. I don’t think I’m mean, at all, however, since childhood, many people have declared me mean. Yes, I can be a supreme ruthless motherfucker if I genuinely hate someone, but, have only hated 2 people in 37 years.
A large contribution to being perceived as mean is my ability to immediately understand motivation. It’s impossible to feel ‘positive’ towards anything I understand to be a ruse, scheme or needy ego jelq.
Also, there’s a misconception that people without filters are solely white trash imbeciles and mouth breathers. My mind works in such a way that unless i’m intently focusing on censorship, I’ll reflexively react to whatever my subconsciousness keys in on. I rarely “think before I speak” which often is misconstrued as meanness.
The thing is, I don’t actually like hurting people and rarely direct negative remarks at a person, but more towards the ideology they’ve embraced. I believe everyone can like what they want and it’s okay to make value judgments on those decisions without including the persons themselves.
Weak minds governed by ego immediately sense a dissenting voice as a threat though. So, I think this is the foundation of being perceived as mean
In the past, I’ve tried to censor myself as a way of mitigating hurt but became very depressed/physically ill while doing so, as if performing a poison ballet, and often coped through opiates.
The resolution I’ve found that works best is through buffering and only engaging in brief encounters of limited interaction.
Now, after what I just said, this is going to sound weird, but part of me genuinely enjoys fucking with people. In other words, I’m an emotional sadist. I almost always feel bad afterwards about humiliating/degrading others though because it obviously affects them negatively. And, like I said before, I don’t want to hurt anyone who doesn’t want to be hurt. The caveat being those I perceive as deserving.
Quite the fucked up dichotomy, I know. So, yeah, I don’t think I’m mean but understand why people feel that I am.

Sorry for being an asshole, everyone.
Also, fuck you.

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Why didn’t anyone ask you a question?

Hollywood Daddy
Well, I conduct myself to ensure ‘zero positive value’. What I mean by that is the ego is constantly foraging for validation to placate its perpetual insecurity. Which can be achieved in several ways, such as, empty compliment seeking, usefulness through subservience and hero worship.
I rarely grant compliments because when I do, they’re genuine. Meaning, I’m not willing to prostitute myself for the sake of satisfying others. It’s just not something I can do. Honestly, it creates a feeling of disgust inside of me, almost as if I’m a 3-year-old who’s lied to their parents about snarfing a box of chipsahoy and just can’t shake that feeling of betrayal.
My value system is comprised in a way that makes it difficult to ask anyone for anything. I’c rather limp 3 miles in the rain with a swollen ankle than ask for a 5 minute car ride. I’ve gotten slightly better with this, I hope.
It's just that it would be almost impossible for a person to find usefulness through subservience in regards to me. I’d rather struggle with my own hands than watch someone doing it effortlessly on my behalf. You’ll never see me on facebook fishing for ‘help’ like some authors do.
Hero worship is pandemic in culture and always has been. People seek others they perceive as strong or creative or wealthy or attractive or whatever because they themselves feel lesser than. Like, they gravitate towards someone of ‘added value’ out of safety because if they achieve that relationship then there’s comfort in the embrace of arms more skilled than their own which raises their own perceived value. Many are willing to completely disregard self-respect to gain a value added relationship. Which, to me, seems fucking absurd. I don’t want anyone having a relationship with the idea of me, only with my genuine self. And because of that, I intentionally expose the motivation behind actions knowing that anyone who isn’t confident in their choices will be pushed away. It’s a filtering process. I don’t actually enjoy pushing others away but having disingenuous relationships is detrimental to my psychological health. I get extremely depressed, exponentially more so than if someone outwardly rejects me So, I’m not viewed as someone of added value and there’s no reason to leave a comfort zone to interact with me. In other words, i’m not perceived as anything worthwhile, why bother.
I’m not classically attractive. I’m hairy, fat, missing teeth, often don’t wear deodorant, only 5’8” and have washrag facial skin. Once again, there’s no reason for anyone to see me and think ‘damn, he’s cute, I need to add his value to my life.’
I’m not wealthy, nor do I own property, vehicles or expensive clothes. I don’t create art or music. I stopped publication of my writing. Hold no degrees, formal education or position of power.
See, there’s virtually no reason to misjudge who I am, which means the only people sharing a relationship with me are those who feel compelled to.

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Language: English