
Hollywood Daddy

Ask @HollywoodDaddy

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if a bumble-bee cannot fly then how about pigs?

I hear/see a pig flying above my head at least once a night. They got really bright eyes.

and if sam pink stole my ink and jimmy chen stole my pen, what did jereme dean steal?

Robert Service is the only dude who can rhyme a line and make it not sound fucking retarded.
But the answer is: nothing, I don't steal, however, I'll leave your genitals up on cinder blocks so the entire neighborhood can see your weeping breakdown, because, like, i'm mean.

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man poos in the zoo. but animals don't poo in the loo. why is that?

Obviously, you've never spent a night in jail.

"There is no good or bad in art," said Lin. What do you think?

I don't know the context of this statement. Guessing he's not talking about morality since it's not worded as 'good or evil.'
So, I'm gonna decipher this as him saying that art itself is objectively neutral, which means only when art is interpreted does it inherit a subjectively good or bad attribute.
Meaning, 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder.'
I concur.
But, like, my immediate question after reading his statement is: what's your definition of 'art.' Without a knowledge of that, kinda difficult to internalize what's being declared/implied.

Can the guy write shit worth reading? Not read enough. But to be picky he uses the word "orb" to describe cat's eyes in the first line of a novel. It doesn''t look right - a kind of $10 word on the first line. Another thing made me suspect is a tacky back-page photo of a blood-stained sink.

Show me 'poser' (turns and points a blue index card towards the large marquee)... survey says!

Do the archives contain you on Gene Gregorits? If not, what do you think of Gene Gregorits?

They do not. I've never heard of the guy until recently. Dude just seems like a stereotypical sociopathic douche bag with an affinity for trying extra hard.
It's funny, to me, how stupid people allow themselves to be and 'fall' for this type of manipulative 'bad ass' behavior schtick.
First off, if this dude looked like me or barry graham, women wouldn't be idolizing him. Being a 'bad ass' isn't enough, it's just an excuse to feel better about their vain liking of physical attributes that are traditionally 'attractive.'
Secondly, I've been around, and have known, enough actual lunatics, gang members, killers, drug dealers, bums, schizophrenics, welfare kids, thieves, bikers and general bad motherfuckers to guarantee this guy is fucking bullshit. Like, I don't doubt he acts 'insane' but it's just that, an act for the sake of manipulating attention. And only a sheltered, privileged person could be fooled by this dude because they've never stepped outside of their easy life and struggled, in the gutter, where people exist with scarred, calloused hands.
Also, going on record now to say that glorifying booze is the laziest, lamedick cliche out there. As someone who survived a childhood with mean, abusive alcoholics, I can tell you it's nothing like what this and other twat(s) make it out to be. It's an inferior drug utilized by shithearts, lushes and posers.
Fuck, at least bukowski wrote about the bad aspects of it along with the romanticizing. These idiots never seem to realize that when speaking of gratuitous drinking like it's such a fun, interesting attribute of their persona.
Guy reminds me of vincent gallo's equally egotistical twin brother who read 'women' at age 15 and decided to try to emulate it for the rest of his life.
Can the guy at least write shit worth reading?

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Hahahah Man 1 "Look at my shit turd!" Man 2 "Yes, I have created also! My beautiful jagged turd!" jagged turd haha

Heh, remember being really high and avoiding responsibility at work when I wrote that.

What makes someone a poet or an artist? What do you think about people who call themselves poets or artists?

Think people who introduce themselves as a poet/artist are 99.99% likely to be stray cats looking for an aggressive petting. I pretty much laugh in a person's face when they identify as such. I mean, even car salesmen don't behave like that.
Think i've met actual poets only rarely, like, finding a 'boardwalk' game piece during the mcdonald's monopoly sweepstakes type of rare.
I touched on what being a poet is here: http://wewhoareabouttodie.com/2012/03/19/toe-sniffing-fetishist-with-a-library-card-an-interview-with-jereme-dean/
And elucidated here (my essay is half way down): htmlgiant.com/behind-the-scenes/national-poetry-month-death-match-1
I've never understood the art scene. Just seems like a bunch of money hungry dickheads with big egos prostituting themselves to a bunch of money having dickheads with big egos.
Think of nature as an artist before any human. But since nature can't be bought and taken home, it's not valued by most.
Personally, I enjoy photography, film, toys, record albums, porn magazines and various other bullshit as art. If something is aesthetically pleasing, then it's on my apartment wall. Buying designated 'art' seems wrong, for me.
If the above links don't satisfy your question, then ask again with specifics.

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Have you ever, to quote Bukowski, "Dreamed a dream in time gone by when a great piece-of-ass was high and life worth living?"

Yeah, of course.
It's funny how in modern culture all these women are focusing on improving their bodies through yoga and pilates, showing more skin than ever and spending unfathomable cash on 'beauty' products/science/surgery but finding a lady who knows how to swing her hips and be seductive comes as easy as a prostitute's kiss.

do you know the actor Garret Dillahunt? he's amazing.

No, I looked him up on imdb and the only thing i've seen him in is 'no country for old men' but I don't remember his role. Well, I sort of watched 'looper' too but it was so boring and shitty I stopped paying attention.
I have a moratorium on any films made by hollywood, inc. within the last 10 years. I make rare exceptions but the movie has to be something really fucking special or from a director I hold in high esteem.
And I don't watch television. Well, at least not anything after the 80s.

what's your opinion on the vice magazine and vice.com?

I don't pay that close attention to vice. Think they publish some interesting/unique perspectives, at times, like, the drug stuff. Also, I'm a huge fan of david choe's 'thumbs up america', which was done for vice. There's other stuff on there that's rad too, like, blake butler usually brings the sriracha and has turned some people on to books they most likely would never have found on their own.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, I've seen a lot of vacuous articles, stuff nobody wants to read or should read. That article where shane jones whines about losing favor with his big publisher comes to mind. A lot of seemingly lazy pieces get published too.
Honestly, the last time I read a vice article was 6months ago, I think. Maybe longer.
I try to distance myself from all forms of media these days out of self preservation. I get terribly angry/depressed/hopeless if I don't.

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When young I was a compulsive panty thief. I stole from neighbors washing lines. I stole out of friends sisters bedrooms. Just interested if you had similar teenage perversions/your views on stealing underwear.

Haha. No, I didn't have the same type of perversions as a kid.
I'm a late bloomer, I guess.
From the age of 10, my focus was on death and dying. That coupled with my home life and alienated status at school led to me not thinking much about women.
It wasn't until I came out of my life long depression, around age 30, and kind of 'lost my shit' that I began focusing more on women.
My compulsions/fetishes have never matched the classical definitions and I've never heard, read or witnesses any I've identified with.
I enjoy panties/knickers because they're the secret part of a woman, like, it's an attribute of their femininity and personality that isn't openly available.
I've always thought the female form looks much more intriguing while clothed. So, visually, a woman in panties is much more appealing than a naked one, to me. It's kind of like how a junkie enjoys the ritual before getting high more than being high.
But, yeah, I could make an almost endless list of different apparel selections that play to my voyeuristic dog heart. I spend a lot of time on etsy looking at and buying vintage women's clothes. If it was up to me, I'd dress every female I know.
I don't steal panties. It's not my thing. Already touched on why in previous answers. But to reiterate, I don't want anything that isn't offered on its own accord. Think there's much more value in a woman gifting me their undergarments than stealing them. Like, it's a psychological connection, she'll always know a red headed scumbag has her panties/scent because she made that decision.
Unsure how I feel about others stealing them. LIke, I don't know... doesn't seem too big of a deal. I mean, if someone stole my underwear from the landromat, I'd shake my head and laugh, then think 'haha fucking perverts.'
Maybe if I wasn't a lecherous weirdo I'd think differently. Which is why i'm undecided on the subject of stealing.
Do admit that i've always fantasized about participating in a good ol' fashioned panty raid since I saw 'revenge of the nerds' as a kid.

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my hippy brother called me jaded because I do not subscribe to his everyone can be happy ideology. How can I talk some sense into him?

You're asking a question with very vague variables. It's difficult to answer.
Think there's nothing wrong with the core hippie values of love, care, understanding, peace etc. Like, the real hippies were aggressively peaceful as a way of inciting a change in culture during a time of war. Which, objectively, is much different than the misnomer that hippies think everybody should be skipping in life, acting dopey and blabbing about happiness.
A lot of the adopters of the hippy movement subverted/desecrated its meaning along the way.
There's a growing trend right now for positivity, which I think is very dangerous because it's an insanely unrealistic filter. Not acknowledging the negative aspects of the world you're part of is how unethical acts go unchecked.
Struggle is what grants true perspective, not living in an ivory tower of happiness or a segregated dungeon of jadedness.
But, like, why can't you both just be yourselves. Think both of you are being passively fascist and competitive.
On a side note, if you want to win this argument, point out that ya bro betrayed his belief system by calling you jaded, which is pretty jaded for a dude who believes in altruistic happiness.

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I make out with guys sometimes, can i use the word faggot colloquially?

Not in my nature to tell someone what words they can and can't use. Seems arrogant to do so.
Unsure why you're asking any external source for permission to use a word, any word. If you use 'faggot' in internal dialogue then censoring it in colloquial speech doesn't accomplish much. You're living a dishonest life.
Using it might lead to not being liked by a bunch of people you share casual experiences with though... man, that does seem horrible.
Maybe try 'swirl' in place of 'faggot' and see if your status ranking maintains.

Vegan weed smoking cis queer liberal nazi conformist and it bugs me.

Weak minds will always exist in society. It's getting worse now that corporations are using internet methodology to 24/7 brainwash everybody to think/buy a specific way. It bugs me too.
You have one of two options: accept them for what they are or not. And if you choose not to but still operate in their ranks, then you're the asshole and that responsibility is yours alone.

But maybe thats just because i dont know what i am or just think im me and thats enough. I dont feel the need to say im straight, queer. bi, or anything. Im more interested in relating to someone on a deeper level past beliefs and preferences. Idk what im saying. I just see everyone saying im a

I think there' s a cardinal difference between talking fearlessly about (your) sexuality and waving a banner like it's something more significant than it is.
The caveat being that a severely oppressed sexuality-based minority, like homosexuals in the 80s, are forced to assert their bedroom preference as identity as a form of rebellion to combat the horror and injustice of everyday life.
Think 'coming out of the closet' right now is very safe and whenever I see these aged asshole 'celebrities' announce their sexual preference as if it matters or an act of 'bravery', I become visibly upset. A bunch of crumb game shit.
I do think traditional transgender and homosexual roles are dying and being replaced by the younger generation who're curious in a time where oppression is at its lowest. Foresee bisexual men becoming the norm in the next twenty years. Like, every man has thought about another man sucking his dick and what stops them is the social stigma of being a 'fag.'
Because, let's be honest, men really love their dick being sucked. It doesn't actually matter by who.

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Why does everyone feel the need to label themselves so intensely when everyone is going to label them anyways? I just dont see the point in saying something like im a stoner, vegan, straight edge, christian, whatever. Just do or dont do and live. I even believe this when it comes to sexuality.

Most assert 'identity' as a passive way of alienating dissimilar people to ensure their social circle is stocked primarily with those who won't threaten the inadequate feelings they have about themselves. And the safest, easiest way to ensure never being challenged to think beyond superficiality is by looking in a mirror.
Basically, it's a form of neutered bigotry, one where the bigots distance themselves from culpability.
'Identity' is also used in an egotistical way, like bragging 'i think i'm better than you because you're excluded from this group.' Which is very akin to bigotry.
A tertiary reason to assert 'identity' is to create the feeling of importance that's lacking in a frail individual. Like, someone who doesn't believe in their own strength and power magically feels more than they are through inclusion in a large demographic, aka a scene.
Most asserted identities are comprised of whatever a person is exposed to as a child/young adult. It's not as if they actually went out and explored different styles of music, food, culture, etc. and came to a realization that one is more preferred than the other.
Monkey vegan, monkey do.

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are you open to more extensive replies (from the anonymous questioners) to your answers, or would you rather simply be asked a question, answer it, then leave it at that?

Have already specified what type of questions won't be appreciated and answered. Everything else is okay by me.
There's nothing wrong with elucidation.

new sincerity - do you have thoughts on the term that are worth sharing?

Eh, not really. The definition of sincerity pretty much negates any of the writing labeled as 'new sincerity'.
I'm no aficionado of the genre(?) but everything I read felt much like pretense and bullshit.
Don't empathize with the need to analyze writing in that way, just seems like a person on the periphery trying real hard to be part of the action would engage in that sort of overkill.
Some people focus on fiction as a way of advancing language. I'm more concerned with the heart and balls of it. In other words, the timeless origin of its power.

have you ever cried when reading fiction?

I don't believe so. Think I would remember if I had but drawing a blank.
Felt emotional after finishing 'ask the dust' when dude does that thing he does.
Felt emotional reading the first sentence of 'motorman' and when moldenke is on the boat and wilting towards death.
Felt emotional during various parts of 'it'.
Felt emotional while reading the first chapter of 'person'.
Felt emotional while reading 'the last of the really great whangdoodles'.
Felt emotional during 'ham on rye' when hank is at the doctor's having his boils drained.
Felt emotional during numerous parts of 'thus spoke zarathustra'.
Felt emotional during various parts of the 'lord of the rings' trilogy.
There are other times too. Just seems like it's not worth the effort of naming them all.
I don't have any issue with crying but it doesn't come easily. Have cried during films though.

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Are there people who actually enjoy those cardboard-like ice cream cones?

Yeah, of course. Most people accept what's available/marketing to them anyways.
The best ice cream i've ever had was the .25c thrifties kind that had air whipped into it and served on those synthetic cones. The ice cream wasn't exceptional or even good. What made it better than any other was the fact that I was poor and without friends, so, on the rare occasion I was gifted with one, I felt happy and not alone for 5-10 minutes, which is a big deal when you're 8 and the world is already pure shit.
All 'bout that mint chip, son. Fat boys unite.


Language: English