
Hollywood Daddy

Ask @HollywoodDaddy

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when you meet someone new, what are the first things you want to know about them?

I rarely want to know anything about most people. I can discern bland creatures from a distance and have no desire to hear what dumb fucking television shows/poorly made movies/clothing retailers/college classes dominate their trite existence.
On the rare instance I meet someone interesting and have an urge to understand them, there's really not a paradigm I follow. It's the individual that speaks to my heart, so, I'll ask a shitton of questions, so many that it's most likely interpreted as overbearing.
I don't enjoy many people but when I do, I enjoy them completely.
For instance, when Sam and I first interacted, I did an 'interview' with him. I remember it spanning a few months and more questions were asked than I can recall. One of the attributes that I genuinely appreciate about him is his honesty and willingness to not be an elitist fag. If you come at the guy earnestly, he'll return earnestness.
That's an exotic trait (sadly).
I also remember a long questioning period when I first interacted with my girl. We would spend hours on the phone each day, mostly spent with me trying to understand her as an individual.
But, yeah, I like to know pretty much everything about a person when I'm interested. I try to hold back though and not scare them off with my inquisition.

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when you say 'cute' don't you mean 'scared'? i mean let's be honest, they're the same thing, right?

Context is important. What the fuck are you talking about. Is this a reference to something I said or just mid-stream misogynistic blah-blah.
I do find consensual fear to be an aphrodisiac. The other type, the cologne of rapists and manipulators, makes me angry.


I couldn't suffer through the tar pit that is that first paragraph. Not going to torture myself by trying to read more of that decayed merry-go-round.

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May have asked this..... Have you had a parent die yet? In the last week my last remaining has shuffled off the coil and I'm thinking a lot and doing shit and know this will change me. Every family bereavement in my life has changed me for the better.... I'm fascinated by other people who're alone.

My father was in prison most of my life. I barely spent any time with him while alive: a few prison visits and one really depressing, lonely summer. That's it. Had a lawyer friend try to track him down about 10 years ago. We both came to the conclusion that he's most certainly dead.
My mother is still alive. She lives alone (as far as I know) and has pushed her children away. She's never had any friends except one; but the relationship is more of a tacit master/slave type of deal.
I held my grandmother's hand while she died. It was affecting, but, not like how anyone probably thinks it would be.
At the same time, my son almost died. He was 5. It was affecting.
My schizophrenic uncle is dead.
My great uncle is dead.
My brother and sister are still alive. The former lives an honest existence and the latter tries her best. I love them both. We rarely talk. I'm bad at communication.
I have siblings on my father's side but I don't know them. I briefly met 2 during that one really depressing, lonely summer.
The way I process emotions and relationships is different than most. Someone observing me from the outside would most likely think i'm callous or uncaring.

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Outside of survival, procreation and ego - what do you think are the/is the biggest motivator(s) for human behavior? - devyn

Witnessing human behavior, or, a simulation of human behavior that's passively and directly instructing how to act/what to think/etc.
Most people are weak minded. Crumbsnatcher see, crumbsnatcher do. I wish it wasn't that way. I wish there were more strong minds out there. But there aren't.
HI Devyn!!!

spent 8 hours staring intently at a powered down pc monitor to check out what i'm actually doing each day. realized i would learn much more about myself simply staring at a blank monitor every day for 8 hours than doing the actual work that i do. missing the sadomasochistic glitter of the screen.

does your son suffer as much as you did?

I don't think there's an adequate way of measuring a person's suffering.
He hasn't lived a soft childhood.

is gentrification even worth thinking about? I have a friend who lives in a brooklyn and he always talks about "being conscious of the consequences of your actions." i dont know what he's talking about

Brooklyn is some sort of care bear fantasy world. I don't understand people from that place either.

"why do you shit talk people? isn't it pointless, considering that we're all gonna die?" Then by your logic, nothing matters. Cue the existential despair.

in some ways I appreciate how rude and hyper-aggressive you are, you’re a rare type of person - like a Tasmanian Devil…and I respect you for being a survivor - but your head is also stuck so far up your own asshole that it makes you say a lot of incredibly stupid and melodramatic things

Haha. Yeah.

person A makes a request. person B sees it as a criticism or a demand, and retaliates. Person A fights back. WAR

Tired of the ideology asserting something inherently wrong with criticism or the dissenting voice. Instead of living in a false world of plastic kisses and rubber band embraces, why not learn to strengthen each person as an individual so they won't engage in dumb acts of narcissistic rage after some meaningless criticism is thrown their way.

When you reach the 1000 cap, will you delete your account entirely, or keep it up but not answer any more questions? Some great words of wisdom here, would be nice to keep the archive.

I don't like deleting stuff. Feel like doing so is a tacit admission of fault/insecurity/self-subversion. I am a sum total. Not a persona or politician or celebrity.
I own up to what I say and do. So, it'll stay. I've only deleted something once during my entire online existence. I'd like to keep it that way.

'This made me chuckle.' is that all you can say?

No, it's all I will say. I don't feel like explaining why. It isn't a productive expenditure of time.

'Most people are back biting cowards. So, no, it doesn't get me attacked openly and directly. Shit. I wish we lived in a reality like that. I really fucking do.' i do. it ain't fun. the kind of shit talking you do on here would get me killed/maimed where i live.

Seems like you're not understanding the nature of my shit talking. People who deserve respect, receive it. I've lived in some hard areas, not, like, 21st century ghetto crumbcake hoods either. Talking shit has never resulted in being 'killed' or 'maimed'.
I've been in considerably more altercations while minding my own business than any other mode.
Feel like you're being melodramatic or dishonest about your reality/your participation in it. It's cool though. We can disagree. I'm not trying to encourage anyone to do anything.

headstrong seems like a silly/inaccurate word. strength (to me anyway) seems to come from the heart and the guts, not the head.

Seems like you're confusing intelligence with a strong mind.

why do you shit talk people? isn't it pointless, considering that we're all gonna die? and if it's just for fun, aren't there perhaps other ways to have fun that don't involve violent modes of communicating?

This made me chuckle.

doesn't shit talking people openly and directly get you attacked directly or at least create people with vendettas against you? it seems difficult to be honest in this way unless you're willing to have your face caved in.

Living in terror of having your face caved in is grossly worse than having your face caved in. Confrontation is part of existence. It's okay.
Most people are back biting cowards. So, no, it doesn't get me attacked openly and directly. Shit. I wish we lived in a reality like that. I really fucking do.
People do get angry about what I say. It's okay. Truth is the greatest offender.
When I was younger, I tried the whole living for others jive. What learned is that censorship is detrimental for my physical and psychological well being. Eventually, I came to the realization that i'm the most important person in my reality, so, I don't hold back my feelings any longer.
People have this misconception about me and think I'm just a mean, spiteful person to everyone for any reason. Which is about as accurate as a speedometer on a spinning bottle. If I feel strongly against something, it's for an ethical reason.
What I don't do is explain myself. LIke, if i strongly dislike someone/something, i'll vocalize it and let people think what they want. I'm not concerned with making fair weather drinking partners.
But, seriously, do you like me?

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fruit loop sounds homophobic

Nah, sounds more like you're projecting. If I had a reason to shit talk homosexual men, I'd do it openly and directly.

How would you deal with coworker bullies?

Difficult to answer directly since you left it so ambiguous. There's different types of work settings, and, consequently, different types of bullies in the workplace.
The only type i've ever had to deal with is the passive-aggressive one. The kind who are constantly shit talking and lying behind your back.
I've always just shrugged those pillow biting cunts off and let the quality of work do the talking, which doesn't do much for my political ranking. People still think whatever they want to think about me, but, one thing they do know is that all that really difficult stuff nobody else can figure out, I can and easily.
Like, I'm of the 'animal mother' school of thought. If you don't understand this allusion, watch 'full metal jacket' and pay attention.
The worst workplace bully is in management. I've had some flex on me over the years, but, those types are easy to check. Just don't be afraid to lose your job; and vocalize it. I don't mean be immature about it. Just stare through them like rancid meat any time they threaten you with nonsense.
The general answer, I guess, is stand up for yourself, in any way. If you can't do so cordially, wipe your dick across their heart. That's what parking lots are for.

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do you look at art in museums or galleries?

Pretty sure I've already answered this on my ask.fm. But i'm not 100% So, i'll speak on it a little.
I appreciate art. It doesn't have to be the formal stuff; I have a joint rolling board I bought in venice beach with a picture of john lennon made from roach papers. It's beautiful.
I also have a page ripped out of a 70's nudie mag on my wall.
The artwork for the cover of 'frowns need friends too' is up there too, but it's still in the packaging because it holds a symbolic power.
I like museums,galleries not at all.
The last time I went to a museum I was in elementary school on a field trip. Being an alienated loner means field trips are bitter sweet. While everyone was socializing and having a good ol' fucking time, I wandered alone and stared at huge paintings that made me feel more alone; sometimes in a profound way.
Galleries are for shithearted people, I think. The last time I went to one I was harassed by security for getting too close to the mediocre art. Apparently, art is only for people with good vision. I got in a huge argument with the desk clerk about wanting a refund and never went back.
Almost certain i'll never visit a gallery again.

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