

Ask @hongjinnnn

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Post one of your favorite quotes and who it's by!

i saw this online a while back but omg. guess it kinda stuck with me
"but never forget that on any day, you can step out the front door and your whole life can change forever. you see, the universe has a plan kids, and that plan is always in motion. a butterfly flaps its wings, and it starts to rain. it's a scary thought but it's also kind of wonderful. all these little parts of the machine constantly working, making sure that you end up exactly where you're supposed to be, exactly when you're supposed to be there. the right place at the right time."
(i just googled and apparently it's from how i met your mother. did not know that but okay. yay)

What do you miss about ny

our shitty cleanliness grade e classroom on the 3rd floor science block with the rainbow colour paper and patricia the angpow horse and trash everywhere / 409 OH MY GOD. i miss this so so so much / changing in the broom closet bc we are too lazy to go to the toilet HAHAH / eating indiscriminately in class / that portion of the whiteboard that u use to write all ur deadlines/assignments etc u know what i mean?? / staying back to study on the benches outside the class / lit kids / teachers like mdm lim ms khoo mrs phua ms teng / juniors :( / the 6 o clock bell / late days on monday / morning assembly in the quad on tues-thurs & in the hall on friday / ny5 / nua-ing in the quadrangle / fried food fridays / all the little things that you never thought you'd miss
idk man i miss a lot of things like friends and familiarity and the teachers.. and that feeling of warmth & safety & belonging that nanyang gave me i guess

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Dawn sim
okayy prepare for some cheesy shit ( i actually was gonna save this for your birthday card or something but then its okay it just means i can write a shorter one this year am i right )
short af. multitalented af like seriously u can dance sing act idk what else you can't do but dayum girl you and i both know that the stage is practically ur home so get out there and own it ok pls be more confident in yourself and ur abilities bc you are amazing. loud af. shitty af but ur my favourite kind of shitty so it's okay :)) plus i know i can be myself around u 100% without filter also like it's a very natural comfortable feeling you gets. it's like we could spend an entire day lepaking and not saying anything much but still when u leave u feel like u had the best time in the whole world and the best conversation and that it was rly worth every minute bc it's just that natural #studybootcamp2.0plox
oh and u r my soulmate???? ya i know this sounds damn disgusting and cheesy but it's true hehe u always know what I'm thinking before I even vocalise it and rly this kind of connection is so hard to find. like we just need to exchange ~looks~ and we alr know who we wanna whack AHHAHAHA ya that kinda feeling. i feel like u could rly search the entire world and still not be able to find it but I'm so lucky to have u???? :') ur a huge (ok not rly i mean your presence is huge bc you have //charisma// but ur physical presence not rly cos ur a shortyzxc) ball of sunshine in my life like legit when I'm angry or sad or feeling shitty I know I can always count on u to cheer me up without fail, regardless of whether it's by giving me your most sincere & heartfelt advice or by sending me dumb shit that will make me laugh. ya it honestly can go either way HAHAHA but i rly don't mind. gossip buddies bitching buddies ranting buddies clubbing buddies for life xoxo istg we can probably tank every single shit that life throws at us so long we have each other to complain to (that is a depressing thought). but yeah you probably know all my secrets and deepest thoughts ohmannnn i mean you know i probably confide in u the most out of all my friends so... hehe
tl;dr you are actual sunshine (+bad karma and sass) and it's damn gross how we come in a pair but like everyone in hc knows we r practically 2-in-1. (like seriously omg i mean. there there / well / ayy lmao have practically become words that ppl associate with us it's so gross) okay. ps hi i'm just going to shamelessly promote our ig account you can follow us @dawnjin.
love u even though ur such a piece of shit \o///// ♡♡♡♡ #friendshipgoals #friendshit

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Describe a10 classmates! ^^

royce: PROBLEM CHILD OF A10. super duper tall like give me some of your height please. super zai national team shooter and rly good at coming up with lame puns haha. overall a pretty nice guy :)
cheng leong: TERROR who cannot fricking maintain. loves to burn and gl people all day every day smh. quite full of shit but a nice guy (deep deep down)
chloe: SASS. chloe is amazing omg she makes rly hilarious comments during lesson time which kind of gets her blacklisted but ay it's super entertaining. also it was amazing to watch her act for dramafeste \o//
claire: yet another tall one pls get out of my face. classmates for 5 years HAHAHA WHAT IS THIS FATE
eldrida: sass. that's it. her eye rolls are on point and her cackling is super contagious omg also it gets stuck in your head. also she writes rly well ayyyy
jean: buddha aesthetic #1. 3/3 of the sass trio in class. also jean makes super sassy comments out of nOWHERE jean is hilarious yes
jessica: part of 409 lit kids :D jessica says the most unexpected shit at the most random times but it is fricking hilarious HAJAHAHA basically jessica is priceless and if you try to imitate her you will not succeed.
jialing: super enthusiastic and helpful hehe she's always answering qns and helping to clarify people's doubts
kym: classmates since sec 1 too HAHAHA kym may seem quiet but ay do not be fooled. she likes to bring up thought-provoking questions at the weirdest times lel
marcus: spoil market. looks like he belongs in club penguin. study buddies HAHA we appreciate ur existence so long you don't spoil the market :-)
nat: NAT. we had our ups and downs definitely but I'm glad we managed to get over them and that we are friends again (?? i hope so HAHAHA i consider you a friend of mine lah) ((:
natalie yap: badass omg but she has super cool piercings and her hair is rly pretty ;____; admire HAHHA
sam: he's a lot nicer than i thought he would be (HAHAHA sorry) and honestly he's not as bad as i thought la (: he's also constantly at ct bench after sch so yeaaa (sort of???) study buddies. also a fricking snapchat addict istg
samuel: shitty (ok jk la scroll down)
sean: RICH. AF. honestly, he belongs in high society HAHAHAH he is super bitchy and sarcastic okay seriously, but the stuff he says is rly super entertaining you will honestly not be able to stop laughing. everyone thinks that in a10, the bitchiest person would be one of the girls but noOOOo sean teh wins all
sze ying: kinda quiet but heh honestly on the inside she's rly sassy :')))) also sze ying is super cool and buff. no joke. seriously 赞!!!!
victoria: she's rly helpful and always replies to people's qns on the class whatsapp group hehe also pretty enthu about most stuff la i remember day 1 of ct allocation when we had to do the sodache challenge thing she was the one driving our class forward esp since we were super ~meh~

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Liked by: Nat Tan

How did you end up with Samuel then haha?

i don't think either of us will ever be able to articulate it properly but mm here's the short form. yall might not believe it but this is what happened la basically
so. we never had that deliberative period where we had to go 'does he like me, does she like me'. neither did he have to ask me to be his girlfriend or vice versa. i guess there was just this moment when both of us realized that we'd be good together. like something clicked and fell into place and we just knew. so he extended his hand and i took it, and from then on we were a couple. couple game q strong yes? yes.
Liked by: Pang Shi Ying


HI can we have OG outing soon heh heh..,, heh
anyway linus is a shit hahaha his orange specs are super distinctive like no joke. for some reason I keep thinking he and farrell come in a pair but they're like this humorous duo :-)) super good at doing the ares pop dance buttshaking move even tho he's a bullboy like ??? i donut understand but linus is fabulous. yes. he's also a fanboy and that is some cool shit ya. also his tweets are unexpectedly funny LOL IDEFK WHY ALSO. bottom line he's pretty nice and im rly glad i got to know him through orientation!

describe all your cca mates (including those you're not uber close with)!

er i'll just describe all the epeeists for now okay..!! bc our batch is q big + i'm rly not very familiar with the new j1s from foil/sabre yet
justin - super super nice omg seriously. looks like a 乖kia HAHA i think he forever 让 us girls aw
nigel - fricking funny and talks a lot of shit and his uniform forever untucked when i see him in school lmao. but also q nice la okay hehe looks like a paikia in contrast to justin
jieying - ridiculous and toot af and forever making me laugh when she's being stupid (which is 99% of the time) hehehe. but super sensible & her heart is v v big also
anthea - rly nice and helpful and cares a lot about other people aiyo her concern for others is limitless... but her sweat game damn strong HAHAHAH ILY ANTHEA DON'T KILL ME
xihui - rly determined to learn all the fencing techniques wew. and i think she's rly hardworking (: like she's been for every single training
ru en - kinda quiet? havent rly spoken to her much but it's ok cos we have 1+years to go..!! oh but she seems rly nice so (:
matthew - tall af & damn zai in basketball waow. seems q nice and friendly and can p much get along well with anyone
shuyi - tall af x2 omg apparently he's taller than matthew?? welp. but he seems super nice as well! i think epee got all the nice kids yay.
(sorry i'm not very close with the new j1s yet D: as you can probably tell)

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Liked by: MLJL Lim Jie Ying

Describe Samuel

lol i think i'll hit character limit + i don't rly want to type a long essay here so
best boyfriend i could ever ask for - i am so, so lucky. someone who means a lot to me, not just in a romantic sense but as a friend, as a person. someone with an amazing heart & someone i want to keep in my life forever if possible

Ideal guy?

1. kind
2. respects me
3. reasonably sassy like hey ur burns need to be on point
4. someone i can confide in about anything
5. someone i can be comfortable & at ease with
6. basically someone who clicks well w me
7. someone i can imagine staying with for a long long time :)
sorry if this is vague but i'll know when i meet him haha also
8. TALL ☺️
Liked by: claire yu ying

describe yurongg!!:))))))))

hehe okay to be honest when we first met I didn't think we'd be able to get along well bc I honestly thought that our personalities would clash haha bc she's super loud and high, like, 24/7. not that it's a bad thing though okay she rly does help bring the mood up of the class a lot especially when all of us are rly super sian and cui ( cough during lessons coUGh ) and I rly do appreciate that la ((: also she just has this ease with ppl that I admire? like she can fit in seamlessly anywhere, probably because she's very open to people and others can sense it too haha
hmm I guess that now, my impression of her has also changed hehe especially after spending two months tgt as classmates. I've come to realise that behind her hyperactive bubbly exterior, she's actually a lot more thoughtful than she might seem (: yu rong's more than just a loud voice and constant laughter haha she's also a sensible girl who rly knows how to prioritize. also she's super hardworking omg respect. so much respect.
let's get to know each other better in the upcoming 2 years yeah (:

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Liked by: jiajing yurong:)

dear anon pls screw off bc what's so bad about being vain as long as it doesn't personally affect you?? plus hongjin IS fabulous af sooooo

aw :"))) that is an extremely nice thing to say so thank q very much omg. you are Good Thing (⌒▽⌒)
[ but okay lbr I am damn cui HAJAHAHA but still thank you :'-)) ]
Liked by: V

I heard you saying it and you say you didn't? Wow so much for a c1

wow anon you are so doggedly persistent pls tell me you are like this for all your other endeavors too bc u will evidently go far in life!!! wow!! amazing!!ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
but yes ( to borrow a line from uptown funk ) GONNA KISS MYSELF IM SO PRETTY xoxo
Liked by: Claudia Leo

You are really vain? How could you say "please don't judge me because I'm pretty" at the senior meet junior session

wow anon you lost me totally bc firstly I never said anything like that so idk where you're getting this from, maybe you misheard me saying something entirely different? secondly, the only senior meet junior session my class went for was the one that was held during orientation aka the one that was A MONTH AGO omg have you just been holding in this criticism all this while bc wow I applaud you now pls go redirect your angst somewhere else thx
Liked by: Dawn sim

ok describe a10 [continued]

wei rong: he progressed from 老大 to 老爸 LOL pretty much the father figure of a10??? honestly tho it's amazing he went from interim ct rep to father figure. will never forget how he bought the class biscuits that was a+
wynona: kinda quiet i don't talk to her much but she has a rly pretty name!! ;A; hopefully we'll interact more in the 2 years to come heh
yi xi: upper sec classmates :D also loves to flail over chanyeol with me HURHURHUR yi xi is unexpectedly funny and cool af. also k-trash :D :D :D
yong kien: #truce HAHAHA ok la he's unexpectedly nice even though he's so full of shit. we r getting along well after making our truce hahaha yes
yu rong: super high and cheery 24/7 walao this one ah seriously serial snapchatter #2 you can hear her laughing away and high-ing all day every day
yu ying: BABY JESUS :"))))))) yu ying is a shit but at the same time she is also The Shit okay. part of the raisin cookies and i know i can trust her with a lot of my shit hahaha she's probably one of the people i'm closest to in class! yu ying is amazeballs.
chengzhi: ninja af omfg he literally just appears out of thin air and disappears the next moment. we haven't really talked much but ayyyy 2 years i'm sure we will somewhere in the near future
okay. i'm out.

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