
Hunter Summerall

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Hey 👋

No more beef. No more bad vibes. No more negativity towards others. Fr. If you got a problem w me, text me, we can talk. We all kinda got the same goal in life which is to live and be happy. I’m not saying we all gotta get along but there ain’t no sense in hating each other.😗


hunter_summerall’s Profile PhotoHunter Summerall
Let me tell you a little story about my best friend. This guy has been my better half since years, as much as we fight, we love each other! Damn couldn't go a week without talking to him. He came in my life when i didn't expect that & i wouldn't wanna change it , nah not even for a good big cheeseburger. He isn't replaceable . bet y'all outta here looking at fetus us and think how cute we are. Let's say it like Ky: hell yeah that's true!. love you, you got my back 😎
Let me tell you a little story about my best friend This guy has been my better


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