
iman Faith

Ask @imanFaith90556

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I play video games to run away from pain I feel, what do I do to keep my mind busy while at work?(security guard) I kinda push some crazy people verbally to try and hurt me, because I want them to end how I’m feeling inside. Really looking for a healthy new outlet.

That’s not healthy

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What would u do if u had a bitchy teacher and she was always a bitch?

Never worked as a teacher but someone used to defame me thinking I’m a teacher. She’s such a ***

Is have you ever been to jail? Is it that bad?

Never been but my female friend works in court so she’s always trying to report me for anything but I never been to jail

Can any medical approved stomache massage machine prevent or heal stomache ulcers? How do rich quality hospitals look like? Whats the secret to living longest?

There’s a charcoal med that helps me a lot from Egypt I don’t remember the name helps with stomach problems

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Is it immature to make fun of how much someone eats? Also is it any of their business

No it’s not :) I love ppl making fun of that with me

‏الفرص الثانية مخيفة أكثر من الفرص الأولى، لأنك تعلم في المرة الثانية مقدار ما تخاطر به.. إنه قلبك! منح بعض الأشخاص فرصة ثانية، يعني أن تمنحهم رصاصة أخرى بدلاً من تلك التي لم يستطيعوا النيل بها منك في المرة الأولى...

Pray things will be alright

Do you think it will be hard to get a job if I have a felony on my record?

I don’t know Bec I’m not a felon

If you were autistic would you have a kid knowing that they'll get it, as it's genetic?

I believe I’m capable of having autistic children. Especially I don’t take care of my mental health often. I don’t mind having autistic ppl as long as there r therapy available and provided to the child and gives me skills to know how to deal with them

I’m reaching a breaking point. Im unsure if I want this career or not because I really don’t like people. I hate my friends I don’t like the city im in. I don’t trust the people here in this city so I don’t have any friends. The only safe haven I have is the internet and my pets. I really hate human

jamaljennings9’s Profile PhotoJamal E Jennings
Do whatever makes you happy

Why are religious freaks so obsessed with judging anyone who isn't married or has children. As if this was a requirement. Is this 1950 lol

True. Could be a bond for only kids as a single person.
Or even surrogate.
Or a relationship.
Whatever it is. It’s legal abroad.
Even if it’s illegal in ur country.

Would you kiss a woman?

Maybe not. Bec I’m not bisexual maybe platonic bi hehehe but I don’t judge ppl who do kiss. Bec they can be the best ppl

Do you think religion should be forced, or should people find their own way?

Find their own way


Language: English