@jd19558#26 🇺🇸


Ask @jd19558

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We never talked before

Although I can’t say for absolute certainty that I have never talk to you before, it seems likely that this is true. more importantly, how are you doing? Are you OK?

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What's your value

I guess I would have to answer that this way; I have many values, among them are these:
- Honesty
- Kindness
- Patience
- Love

What do you treasure?

FreshICYGirl’s Profile PhotoBe Yourself Always
I wrote this in response to your question:
- I treasure moments in my life that’s made a positive effect.
- I treasure time I spend alone to repair and to reflect.
- I treasure every life experience that has helped me make it through.
- But most of all, my darling, I treasure time I’ve spent with you.

Do you like the novel To Kill A Mockingbird?

laurajrobinson97’s Profile PhotoLAURA FROM INSTAGRAM.
I love the book. I won’t bore you with all of the specifics, but if you have not read it, you should. There are so many life lessons in that classic novel.

Which season is your favorite?

yinbvn’s Profile PhotoAmes Ortiaco
I love all of the seasons - each one for different reasons.
I love fall! The leaves changing color - from green to red, orange and yellow…a testament to our benevolent creator. I love Thanksgiving. Cherished time spent with family and friends.
I love winter! The beauty of a billion small frozen crystals falling from the sky and piling high upon the earth. And as the cold envelops me, there is the promise of warmth as I sit in front of a warm fireplace.
I love the spring! The beauty of new growth, starting with daffodils and tulips then irises and chrysanthemums! The fragrances are intoxicating!
I love summer! The warmth emanating from the sun, resting softly in my cheeks. The activities that warm weather allows.
Liked by: Ames Ortiaco

Why is Taylor Swift famous? She can’t sing at all

I am not a big Taylor Swift fan, but she has a very good voice.

what is your dream career?

To have my own woodshop and make things. I would love the idea of exploring and finding of variety of suitable wood species, and make furniture out of them.

I really like you and I’m sad we didn’t workout together like really sad and I know you don’t care and probably think I’m lame and that makes it hurt more

Do I know you?

So if your ex was on fire, what would you use to put them out?

PrincessTami29’s Profile PhotoSpooky Queen
If a water fire extinguisher was available I would use that (those are the red ones, other fire extinguishers use chemicals that can harm a person). If not available, I would pour or spray water on them. If not readily available, I would smother the flame with a blanket.
Why not add an accelerant or just let her burn? Because I am not a murdering psychopath. The value of life is greater than the value of vengence.

Would you date a bald girl?

BaldGirl86307’s Profile PhotoBald Girl
Absolutely! I am attracted to a woman’s personality, thoughtfulness, kindness, generosity, softness, the way they treat strangers, the way they treat children and the way they treat animals.

Do you refrain from drinking energy drinks and if so, why?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I don’t drink so-called energy drinks for several reasons:
1. They really don’t give you “energy“. Most of them have caffeine and sugar, which can stimulate you, but that stimulation is not in the form of “Energy”.
2. They are filled with sugar and caffeine.

why is making someone laugh so rewarding?

I suspect everyone has their own unique reason for wanting to make people laugh, but I like it because, at least for a moment they seem happy. And I was a part of it.


Language: English