
Jeremy Battle

Latest answers from Jeremy Battle

Would you rather explore a new planet, or the deepest parts of the ocean? Why?

Planet because im terrified of deep dark water

Does it upset you when men dominate a profession ?

As a man honestly yes because i know woman can do the same if not better at the same job most male dominated jobs wont even give them the chance to prove this why idk alot of different reasons but manly i think it's cause they might feel emasculated

If uh could be a cartoon character for a day, who would uh choose to be?🐥

Master shake from aqua teen hunger force lol

What advice would you give to a kid that someone never gave to you?

Good question ill need to think about this one

Oh ok. I’m from Cincinnati.

Oh ok cool not to far ive never been but a few times its alright better than here in my opinion anyway

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