
Jessica Jeffrey

Ask @jessx1

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If you could live forever, would you want to?

No. What's point in living forever? You would lose everyone around you be alone and have to fend for yourself. It's an awfully big world out there to love forever is the worse thing that could happen in my case

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What great quote would you like to share?

Someone asked me if I knew you. A million memories came to mind, but I just smiled and said I used to.

But you've fell out with jade so it does?

Yeah fell out with Jade not Katie and Abby. We aren't all connected by the hip you know, we all have other friends but I don't think people realise that.

Prettiest year 8 girls?xxxxx

Megan Stapley, Molly Batley, Caitlin Batley, Lydia Horton, Molly Lockwood, Naomi Horner, Aqua Hawcroft, Lauren Coward, Ellie Dunning, Lydia Worth and more...xxxx
Liked by: Emily Styles!xox

prettiest year 9 gurls?

Leah Richardson, Charlie Wheeler, Mollie Dougherty, Abigail Flatters, Ellie Mckay, Shannon Baker, Shauna Secker, Abby Bywater, Katie Wingrove, Olivia Orrell loads more x

If you could go back and change something, what would it be and why?

the way i treated my best friend, and because it changed her in the worse possible way and it will and always will be my fault


Language: English