
Jessica Jeffrey

Ask @jessx1

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there sluts baby

Tbh no one cares its 20 to 1 in the morning don't you have anything better to do with your time?

yes because there both cunts keep inboxing me the silly twats and I wondered what you though of them.

well why don't you fucking tell them that instead of me, I don't fucking care!

Related users

jessica, your answer to the one where they call you a slag is just amusing, i love youu jesss<3<3<3

haha I own them on most of them haha love you too tash <3<3<3

Not being funny but if this is a lad there fucking jel and soft as fuck or its a jelous ex thats tranna split us up either way al fuckin kill em x

Daniel Taylor

Not bieng funny but if jess fancied me shed be flirting wi me 24 7 she doesnt and georgia snogs me and kisses and hugs me for a joke really all lot on ya are pathetic yah know if yah gunna slag me or georgia off get yah sen on facebook and grow a pair u sad cunts :) hey jess xxx

Daniel Taylor
well said danny! and hey btw xxxx

Who do u think wouldd out of A fight Between Daniel Taylor and Joe Boast i dunno who me ???

Daniel, and I'm not just saying that because Daniels like my best mate, but loads of people say boasty is soft and Daniel is quite hard so yeah probably Daniel..x

Oi Daniel Fuck off I loveu jess But im from Jamaica can we still work out please baby


Hey im Derek i love in Kazakstahn i live with borat and we are very famous i love u i want to milk u like a cow :))))

This is Daniel I bet.

Hey this is alexander i want u so bad baby i live in tokyo and i want u so bad baby it hurts i love u x

Idek you so hows about fuck off?

why do you like that shitty song?!thought u had better taste tbh.

The reason I like that song is because it has a catchy tune to it, and in the song he basically admits that he isn't perfect. I think its an adorable song and he's fucking beautiful :)
my opinion

But have you seen me he would never leave georgia for me i love him but he loves her and i dont wanna break them up :'(

I probably have seen you but Idk who you are...can you just inbox me please? I wanna know :)

I cant tell you who but i love him so much but hess too happy with georgia :'(

inbox me? IF THIS IS YOU DANIEL-.-


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