
Jessica Jeffrey

Ask @jessx1

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go out with me? xxx

I would if I knew who it was, probs someone pissing about cos who would wanna go out with me aha forever alone :)x

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opinions on katie?

My beautiful best friend, love her to bits but feel like we are losing closeness, still I can tell her everything, she's funny nice and like my sister! xxx
Liked by: Katie'Anne

What is one thing you have tried to change, but couldn't?

A lot of things, but main thing was the way someone was but she never changed back to who she was and that's the only thing I hate in life

If you knew you had one day to live, how would you spend it?

Tell that one person how I really feel about them...then either spend day in awkwardness, arguments, friendship or happy!:-)

Opinions on abi flatters?

Beautiful, and she has been there for me, such a nice girl lovely personality and a brilliant dancer ! xxx

opinions on alicia tate ?

Beautiful, funny, nice personality, talk quite a lot, went to same primary and same school now!:-) x

Opinions on Kielan?

I hate him! Nah jk love him my best friend funny, does he have ginger hair? aw nice ladd

Top 10 girl best mates, and lad best mates?

Girls- Olivia, Abby, Leah, Molly, Charlie, Rhiannon, Kristal, Georgia, Katie, Jade, Tasha, and Britney
Boys- Kielan, Rippers, Holmsey, Jorden, Ryan B, Jake A, David, Josh, Corey N, Daniel T <3 x


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