
Jessica Jeffrey

Ask @jessx1

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what was her other mistakes then? I know her very well more than you were bestfriends I've not left her once.

Go on then who are you? And hows about having a threesome, getting fingered and wanking someone off?

And you gave her advise?! more like told her too fuck off your life will be better without her.

No I said why doesn't block Leah and Charlie off of Facebook and she said that I was taking sides

Every mistake? she made ONE. like everyone else makes mistakes. everyone that judges her isn't perfect themselfs. I'm not your not, so why judge her? everyone's going to finger them selfs at one point in their life.. she just chose to use a banana to help instead of a dildo.

It wasn't just that though was it? It seems to me you don't know her as well as you claim..

you could be their for them more. have you even seen all the shit Megan gets? I feel sorry for her tbf. I used to give her hate but now it's just beyond the joke. she slits. I've seen.. for attention? no. she does it to save herself from the pain. you both used to be so close. what happened Jessica?

Haha! Maybe the fact that she told me I need a crack in the face, that I should get out of her life, I've made her life hell, and that her life would be better without me. I've tried, she has other friends she doesn't need me any more! We've both gotten on with our lives without each other, its not like she can't live without me. And be their for them more? Abby is fine she doesn't need anyone's help she's independent! Megan has other friends as I've said I'm sure her life is better without me.
But to say that I should be there for them them more is fucked up, I've tried my best for them both.

who do you like most out of: ellie mckay, mercedes mattinson, beth wallace, abigail flatters, chloe colesand beth green?:s

I don't mind any of them none of them done anything personally wrong to me but ill have to say abigail and beth wal because i talk to them the most
Liked by: Caitlin Palmer

I only wanted to no if Abby, Chloe, Holmsie, Megan S and Leah slit? because I think there all pathetic attention seekers that need help.

I don't think Leah slits and I don't think Chloe does. I know the rest of them do because I've seen scars on the other people but it doesn't make them attention seekers, it just shows how strong they were to get through hard times.

What people do you feel sorry for at the moment?

jake holmes, chloe coles, the family of the man who threw himself off alhambra and anyone whos getting bullied and a few others x


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