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Awk suka saya tak ? Sbb saye suke awak

who are you? how can i love you if idk youbc people nowadays not kind at all.

What was the best gift you ever received?

bear, two slices of cakes, a lunch box of kfc. and shawl and t-shirt

Describe Afifa

Idk what to say here, because this cute maknae actually takde la maknae sangat baru form 2 but she too pretty, she too matured when look from her face not attitude lek aku tak habis lagi. Afifa or known as pipa nama hawt tu :p kalau puji dia, sampai tahun depan tak habis sebab dia akan cakap "Eee aku mana ada cantik! kau lagi cantik! tengok muka aku haaaa penuh jerawat." nanti dia akan spam gambar dia dekat whatsapp want to show 'how much her pimple' even though takde ada pun. Pipa ni cerita nak gempak je, orang biasa je dia yang over bak kata orang macam media massa nak cari topik untuk membuat berita baru, pipa boleh la ni. Pipa ni gelabah gak, siapa tak tahu dia mesti ingat dia annoying. Gelabah dia ni sakai sikit, nanti mula la spam siap capslock lagi. BUT bila dia tak muncul kat group memang lama la kan, kalau seminggu memang seminggu la. AND kalau kau mention je nama dia terus muncul kau xD nampak tak magic dia? Ok aku kenal pipa ni same like aku kenal mila 26/12/2013. Baru setahun, mesti macam tak kenal sangat with what people thing la, but sorry in one year we already know many things not all but many. Never meet each othe but can know how fat, skinny, and all haha xD Well like i said before she pretty, kau akan rasa insecure gila sebab ye la baru form 2, tapi dia ni bukan nak bersyukur kalau boleh 24/7 nak talk about beauty, pastu nak dia je menang. Aku jujur ni. Rasa benci? Aku tak pernah benci dia, how much annoying she be, how much rude she be and whatever i still pretend like she is innocent XD hahahaha ok sebenarnya tak sangat but well people grow up, and me as older than her rasa dia innocent la. Aku tak tahu la apa aku type en panjang semacam je, mesti banyak mengarut tapi aku nak dia tahu la. Aku sayang dia, yes even not too close but she still the best, she too good in give an advise even baru form 2, well she still the best. Love you Afifa Nordin xoxo *hugh kiss*

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If you were to write a book what would it be about?

about love, fanfic, hmmm maybe horror, hmmm ok whatever i want

Describe mila

mila, dengar macam nama artis en? Tapi sorry not sorry she only artist in my heart. auwww! mila, bila di sebut macam senang en? Tapi sorry not too easy to take her heart. mila, tengok nama dia macam biasa jumpa en? Tapi sorry not sorry it's hard to find 'mila' like her. mila mila mila and mila who are she? Act mila her full name is Hayatun Syamila, and fyi she really hate when her friends call her with 'atun' hahaha otherwise her classmate. Mila also kind, we already knew each other from 26/12/2013, baru setahun kenal apa je en? Da la tak pernah jumpa. Just shut up and ask her everything about her life, and she will tell you everything. Mila, mesti korang assume "alaa kawan je la, muka dia baik je." Sorry, you're wrong. Mila too easily love people and HATE people, but too hard to fight and have enemy because she too easily to forgive people. Ok from what you read now, mesti kau kata "Alaa senang minta maaf it's okay la." But banyak kali kau buat benda sama, immediately kau kena buang dari friendlist dia. Know her well and you can know perangai dia macam mana. Kenapa aku nak describe panjang-panjang ceni? Sebab aku nak dia tahu yang aku tengah mencuba untuk mengenali dia lebih lagi, she really friendly i love her. She really good listener i love her too. She really good in give an advise and i do to love her. She really good friend and i really really really to love her, in syaa Allah till jannah :')

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