Ask @Jia99

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BAGUS JIA ! JAWAPAN YG AKAK NAK DENGAR hahaha. tu akak la. bagus-2. :D hehe

eh eh! hahaha, ingat siapa la tadi. Baru je nak bunuh or what XD

Do you think people are basically bad or basically good?

basically good. but he/she change and exchange to the bad or good.

Who was your childhood hero? Who is your hero now?

my childhood hero it's my bro and my father. and now my hero it's my father and my bias.

What do you dream about?

i just have a big dream it's want to be luhan's wife, and i hope so he is my husband, amin. I want to be a photographer and i want to be a people who are full with succes. amin ya rabballamin :'))

What is your favorite place to eat?

i'm not sure about that but i think at home or restaurant or school canteen XD


Language: English